Hi Students. We are going to continue talking one-on-one about your Writer’s Journey narratives. Soon we will be at the end of UNIT 1 — Language and Literacy, and will be moving along to our second unit: Genre. Start now to review all your notes and your thoughts about what we have done and read so far, and begin writing a REFLECTION. Here are some talking points…

Reflection on UNIT 1:  What were your struggles? Successes? Did you have fun? How was this work different (or similar) to the way you learned and wrote in high school?  What would you have liked to have done more of? What do you think you learned? What surprised you about this Unit? Be specific about this. Mention the Readings you’ve been assigned and what you thought of them.

Once you get back your papers, do some…Reflection on your Literacy Narrative: How might you be able to make your Literacy Narrative Better – what revisions or edits could you do to improve it? What did you learn from listening to other people’s narratives in the class?

Give yourself a grade for the work you did in UNIT 1.  Be specific – your reading work, your short writing assignment work, your final paper, your ability to work and be heard in the class community as a whole? What do you feel is a fair grade given your history and ability.

You should start working on this, and, if there is time, you can work on it during class on Feb 26. I will expect you to have a draft of this to read from on Mar 2. (No, you don’t have to read aloud the grade part.) And P.S. Finish your Donald Murray Internal Revision reading and put your notes in your notebook.

Looking ahead, I will expect you to have your Unit 1 Reflection handed in to me on Mar 9. Double-spaced, typed. Be sure that all your personal course info appears at the top, upper left. Label it “UNIT 1 Reflections and Grade.” Be sure to edit your language so that it is clear and understandable. Length: 500 words, minimum.