As we discussed last class, your papers narrating your personal relationship with writing are due on Feb. 19. Length: 700 words (you may write less, but no less than 500 words).  Format: double-spaced, typed and printed. Your name, your class and section number, my name, and the date are all on the upper left. (Yes, that’s MLA. ) Your title is centered below them. Please give your paper an interesting title and not just “Writing Narrative.” If you really can’t think of one, call it “My Writing Journey.”

See the previous post for writing points. I am also very interested in hearing about your experiences writing in 1101 last semester.  You can begin or end with that, as you wish, and don’t be shy about telling about some of your earliest experiences. Go ahead and name people who helped you or hindered you or influenced you.

A note: you can find my policy on late paper extension requests in the Syllabus. Just because you have a paper due does not mean you can miss class! I check attendance assiduously on these days.