1. What to do: Continue to do your “Inner/Outer” dialogues in transit; now, note the “setting” briefly — the time, date, where you are (location) are all helpful facts — for each time you write, so that we get a sense of where you are.

Length?: No specific length. You heard what other people have already done — and how good it was. Feel free to do more, if you wish. Or pick at least two different occasions on which to write.

2. What else to do: Also, on your way to school on Feb 3 — start to write before you get to class; tell us how your morning is going; you can describe what’s happening around you much like the Inner/Outer work you’ve been doing, if you like, as long as it’s on Feb 3rd.

Length?: No specific length. This can be brief. Just come in to class with something already written to read to us aloud.

(As we discussed, these sorts of handwritten assignments will be going in your Writer’s Journal which which the professor will check periodically over the semester.)