Reading, Questioning, Re-Telling -- on the path to Truth

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Your Week-end, Week 14 Homework: Take a 5-minute survey

This survey, written by me, and totally anonymous, is your only homework this week-end. PLEASE take it by Monday, May 1. It will only take 5 minutes and is worth 1 Homework Point. Thank you!!

link above^^

Our college campus needs to get a platform on the use of AI. Your responses will help me do that. Again, this is anonymous. No emails or names are collected.

Schmerler Spills the Tea

So I went to that Chat GPT colloquium at the Faculty Commons. (If you were in class today, you know what I am talking about–I promised I would tell you how it went.) By the time I got there after class, and after walking all around the second floor of Namm only to realize that the conference was being held across the street in the Academic building (I call it “the starship”), I was pretty darned late. (Can anyone relate?)

I caught quite a bit of interesting stuff, though, and I have to say the talk was pretty amazing. My new hero is this Professor I met from the Health Sciences Department, Katherine Gregory.

She talked about all sorts of ethical concerns, and also, showed me how you can write a citation for Chat GPT. And also, why you might want to write one. Geek heaven! And hey did you know what sort of huge carbon footprint — what an energy hog — the AI is? I mean, she had stats.

How to write a citation if you truly truly feel you need to use Chat GPT — one version.


I am determined to do some neat creative project on the subject of the AI and asked Gregory if she’d like to collaborate and I think she pretty much said yes.

Stay tuned.