Reading, Questioning, Re-Telling -- on the path to Truth

Author: Sarah Schmerler (Page 7 of 9)

Read, think, correct, praise…grade

Here is a paper by a student from last semester who also did this assignment. This was his first submission of this assignment. He was kind enough to share it with the class, so that they and he could learn how to improve:

Please don’t share it with anyone.

Assess it. Say what praise you would give it — what does it do well? Say what corrections you would make — especially, what PATTERNS of errors do you see him making?

And finally: what grade would YOU give it, and why?

btw: This ^ is MLA format

WEEK 5 — no new work — but an Update

Hi Class,

It is WEEK 5 (a short one, due to yet another holiday), and, you have a Capstone Assignment coming up (due Feb 28), so I am not giving you any new homework. Just check your WEEK 4 Folder if you need a refresher on what’s due.

That said, I do want to make a couple of important points before the week-end.

One: whenever you have an assignment due, and are struggling, please still come to class. Don’t think that not coming to class will help you. If you ever need an extension, you should write to me. See my “policy on late papers” in our Syllabus. Attendance, and keeping up, is way more important.

Two: speaking of what’s coming up, we are entering Unit 2 next week. I will be giving you more readings (everything should already be loaded into our COURSE READINGS page, so you probably won’t have to buy anything), and tasking you with some cool research methods and searches. We will be thinking about POE (“points of entry”) and POV (“point of view”) when we read. In fact, I will be showing you some new ways of reading, period.

Think about some things you might like to research or learn more about. Let me know. I’m receptive. The Unit is still young.

Have a beautiful week-end.

P.S. If anyone is still not on OpenLab, needs to register for OpenLab, or needs any other kind of support, please reach out to the Student Success Center, as I mentioned in a previous post.

WEEK 4 Folder is Live; also, please give me your Gmail address soon

Hi Class,

In your current Weekly Assignment folder, you will find your first major (“Capstone”) assignment for the semester — the one we began discussing in class yesterday. We will discuss it further next class. If you have been keeping up with your weekly assignments, then you already have a good sense of what it entails!

Here is a direct link to the folder, but of course, it is also available in our menu, above.

Please ask me any questions in our next class. I look forward to hearing more about your discourse communities and your names.

btw: I still need you to tell me your Gmail (GoogleDrive) email address! Here is the spreadsheet to share it with me:

Have a good holiday on Monday, and remember that we have class next Tuesday and Wednesday because of the holiday.

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