
Big Ideas Welcome Here

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Diary Entry _2 Deron

Since this virus has become more severe in the eyes of NyC. I find myself extremely bored in my house. I struggle with ways I’ll remain productive in the next couple of weeks/months. I try my best to take walks in the park to get some fresh air because staying inside can become unhealthy. I’ve created my own indoor gym being that most of the gyms are closed.

Diary entry RE-POST

Diary Entry 2- JianCarlo
During quarantine I feel the most difficult part is keeping yourself busy. After scrolling through all social media platforms for hours it gets boring and repetitive. Not even having the option to go walk and enjoy outdoors makes it feel even more stressful. However, I do enjoy the excuse to live a lifestyle we all loath for, sitting in bed for hours eating a new snack every 30 minutes and being lazy. Hopefully when this is all over we appreciate being outside, doing any activity with friends, and just connection with each-other. This break proves to me that humans need some type of connection/interaction to stay sane.

Diary Entry 2_Chelsea

Since the city has been on lockdown, not only has schools shut down but jobs have too, including mine. Restaurants and bars have been subject to transition into takeout and delivery services only. Although I did work in takeout, I still have not been put on the schedule for work. There is a 10 people capacity in restaurants, 5 workers and 5 customer or delivery drivers. This has caused me to file for unemployment, which I have not done so yet because the page crashes due to high activity and I have to start over. Quarantine has also ruined my sleeping schedule as I now have the sleeping patterns of a bat. Many of the grocery stores are empty leaving my fridge to be empty too. I’ve been surviving by eating eggos. My day mostly consists of sleeping and watching Netflix. There isn’t much to do and its driving me crazy.

Circle Time Agreement: Everyone Must Sign

Your COMMENT is needed to this post.

In your COMMENT, you will use the words: “I, [YOUR NAME HERE], agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.”

This is important. Why? Now that we are in an Online environment, safety is even more compromise-able. You may not share any video, text, image to social media from this site. You may not speak to others outside of our class of private matters discussed in our website Circle. Our safety is important to us, and we can not write well unless everyone knows their thoughts and insights and feelings are safe.

Every link in the chain keeps the circle safe, and this begins with you.

Circle Time Assignments, Monday Mar 23

Hi class!

How am I doing? I don’t know. Lousy. Okay. Freaked out. Fine.

I am at my computer this Monday, during our class time, at 1PM. It gives me a sense of continuity, and I need that.

My son is home with me, finally, so I feel relieved but cramped. We can’t find a spot to put all his stuff.  I still drink my tea every morning as part of my daily routine. I write every morning for myself for about 20 minutes (well, sometimes more and sometimes less). I go outside and practice my hula hoops and walk. It is weird out there.

I decided that we need to begin this, our first full week of class, with Circle Time. We need community.

CIRCLE TIME Activity 1: Agree, in writing, in a comment to the Professor’s post, with the words “I, [YOUR NAME HERE] agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.”

CIRCLE TIME Activity 2: Write 3 Comments. You will notice that I (the Professor) have endeavored to comment once on each person’s “Diary 2” Entry. Now, it is your turn. Write a comment on someone’s post — preferably someone who has not gotten many comments yet. Also, write a comment on anyone’s post you wish. Write more than one to one person, if you wish. Post a minimum of 3 comments before Thursday, March 26. (As Admin of the site, I see all comments in the dashboard.)

IMPORTANT addition to our site: Become familiar with our new MEMBER ROLL. Scroll down the right-hand side of our site. There you will see the name of everyone in the class who has posted (including yourself). You can easily search for a post this way, as well as keep track of your own work.

Once you are done with Circle Time, make yourself familiar with your new assignments this week on our ASSIGNMENTS page. I post there every week.

I hope you like what I’ve created for you.


-Prof. S.

Diary Entry 2_Alondra

During this whole situation, I’ve been extremely bored and worried. Worried for both my father and brother who work in the hospital. We just came back from Texas and it feels crazy to be back.  Every time somebody knew we were from New York they would literally get scared. But overall we are all fine at the moment. Wearing gloves and face masks are extremely necessary now especially in airports. My mother isn’t letting me leaving the house either and I actually thought it was going to be easy but it’s actually pretty hard. I’m literally gaining weight from just eating so much and not doing anything at all. But we’re all going to get through this. I hope everyone is doing well! Miss you guys lol.

Diary Entry_2 Sigi

Hey everyone, I hope you are feeling good. I have been feeling alright. Since this virus had been around to be honest I have not being scared at all for the fact because I’m self-quarantined. This situation has been started as a joke since in the beginning, starting with social media when people use to make fun about this virus. I’m not going to deny I have been posting some funny memes in social medias  too, but now I’m aware that this situation is serious. There are thousands of people getting infected every day and a considerable number of them are dying.  Spending my time inside I have been cleaning my home more than I use to before, but It’s a way to keep myself and family clean and safe. I also spend my time watching Netflix, the movie that I recently watched lt’s  called ”All the bright places” by Brett Haley. It’s a great movie. I’m also spending my time painting, It’s my favorite thing to do. It’s so relaxing and it’s a way where I always find myself into. To end this I want to say to you all stay safe and keep yourself clean, wash your hands constantly and don’t stress out because everything is going to be okay.

Diary Entry 2_Zahira

I’ve been good , can’t lie and say that when I heard we were going to be doing the work from home that I was excited, I mean who doesn’t want to stay home and relax. But to be honest it hasn’t even been that long and it’s getting boring and tiring having to stay home and not have any contact with the “ real world” unless is necessary. It’s crazy how you appreciate doing certain things when you are not able to do them anymore. I really haven’t Being up to much just staying home binge watching some movies and series. Playing board games with my mom and lil brother. Honestly just doing my best to keep being active and not think too much about what’s going on even tho it’s inevitable because that’s all that being talked about in social medias , News etc.

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