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Diary entry Tasanvir

Anger can do so much damage the words that come out of your mouth can never be unheard. The reason why I’m say this is because I went through this faze today my dad calls after several years to tell us he’s happy and not to worry about him. Me stuck in these four walls and the fact that he never supported me or ever talked to his kids he had the audacity to tell us not to worry about him he’s happy really hurt me not the fact that he’s happy the fact that he was never there for me and never called I was about to curse him out but my mom cut the phone. I feel hurt because I know everyone does not have a father but knowing the fact that I have a father out there that never supported or talked to his son really broke me down. I feel like a little kid again with no childhood trying to find a home trying to find a happy place which I never had. Today I’m just finding someone to lean on but I rely on my self because I’m too scared to be hurt ya that is what happened to me sorry I haven’t commented under anyone’s posts I’m going through an emotional experience and sharing it was therapeutic for me.

Diary Excerpt_Week 1 Deron W.

March 23 Brooklyn, NY

12:30 PM

Dear Diary,

I woke up early today for the first day of online classes .. it didn’t go as bad as I expected, the class was in good spirits. After my first class I ate some breakfast, I believe I had eggs and bacon with pancakes. As I was eating I found myself wondering how the rest of this semester would turn out and if I would remain motivated.


Later in the day I played iMessage games with a couple of friends to seduce my boredom ; along with playing Uno with my two brothers. The game got so intense my older brother had to draw 26 cards. The thought of the remainder of the week still lingering my mind.

March 24 Brooklyn, NY


Dear Diary,

Second day of online classes and I’m not so stressed about it anymore, everything’s going according to plan except for the fact that the casualties continue to rise due to the coronavirus. New Yorkers continue to pack the train stations instead of staying indoors, I only expect it to continue getting worst- unless more  individuals take part in the quarantine.


I’ve continued my normal indoor gym routine along with a little bit extra to make sure I remain sore until the morning. The aching of my muscles sure helps to keep me occupied.

March 25 Brooklyn, NY

2:30 PM

Dear Diary,

I spoke to my mom today to check on her and see how things are going. My mom’s currently in Florida on a business trip. She told me every since the massive outbreak she hasn’t been staying inside often (especially because her occupation is a baby nurse), she spends most of her free time watching the news to see the latest updates. I remind her to not let it drive her crazy, as she reminds me to check the mail.

March 26 Brooklyn, NY

Dear Diary,

1:00 PM

Today I woke up in a good mood, made some cereal (fruity pebbles with strawberries) and decided to go for a walk. The sun was shining although it was a little windy, perfect hoodie season. I stopped by Popeyes on the way back  home to get the Chicken Sandwish Combo, glad to know it still taste delicious. I spent most of my day caught up in social media just looking at how everyone else was spending their day. I finished the fourth season of Originals on Netflix and I predict by the end of next week I’m going to need a new show to invest my time in.

Diary Excerpt_Week 1_Chelsea

March 24th, 2020

Everyday feels the same and the days go by fast. I sleep mostly through the day and stay up all night, leaving me with massive headaches. There is nothing to do but switch between apps or sleep. I don’t really watch tv and even if I did, Netflix doesn’t really have much to watch. I’m bored

March 25th, 2020

I still have a headache but I’ve decided to take Tylenol for it. Every time I sleep I dream, weird dreams. The dreams are all vivid but creepy and I often can not go back to sleep after. This probably has something to do with my sleep patterns. I lost the tiny remote to my TV so again there isn’t much to do besides switching between apps or sleeping. I miss outside.

March 26th, 2020

The city lockdown and curfew and quarantine in general is driving me crazy. I don’t know how other states are coping or how severe their cases are but I’m going to Virginia to stay at one of my houses there for the weekend. Hopefully all their businesses are still open and I can get some stuff done. Ive been trying to fix my sleeping schedule  but it goes wrong every time, I even sleep through alarms.

Diary Excerpt_Week 1_Sigi C.

MARCH 23-26, 2020

March 23- Yonkers, New York
11:00 AM
Dear Diary,
I woke up weary today. I had a cup of coffee and a chocolate chip cookie. That quick breakfast made me feel better. I’m so bored.
1:30 PM
Just went to Dunkin and got a donut, after that I went to a big park that is in front of my apartment. Stayed there with my sisters for two hours. It felt relaxing but at the same time weird because usually the park it is always full of children. No motion of cars or people in the street it felt like never before. But you know, I felt like I accomplished something big. I’m glad I did something different.

March 24- Yonkers, New York
9:00 AM
Hey Diary,
I had to wake up early this morning. I usually wake up around 11-12 am. I had math lecture with my prof, for an hour and 10 mins. I went all good, I was having my breakfast, taking notes and participating in the same time. You might laugh but it worked out well.
3:40 PM
I’m here to tell you that quarantine is not going that bad. I just did a lemon cake, of course with my sister’s help. I did put it in the oven 20 min ago, I must go and check before I burn it. I will keep you updated.
I want to say that that lemon cake was ‘’WOW’’. My whole family enjoyed it so much. Now I need to go and study for my psychology midterm and do my math homework.

March 25- Yonkers, New York
1:00 PM
Dear Diary,
I woke up this morning feeling so tired like all the other days. I had a French toast and a cup of yogurt. My online class starts at 10 AM and I set my alarm since 9 AM so I was getting ready. I liked the method my math professor teaching us today, so understandable. After that I had to start at 11:00 AM my psychology midterm. I was so stressed. I was having a nice day until I heard that my aunt had this virus and I’m really worried about her health right now. I’m praying for her to get better.
9:00 PM
Hey back,
This was a packed day. I did my midterm. I would say it was not enough time to finish both parts of the test, but I managed my time successfully. I’m so nervous about my scores.

26 March- Yonkers, New York (same location)
10:00 AM
Just had a toast and a cup of coffee. I’m really thinking what I should do today to make my day better. Staying all day in my bedroom, it is depressing. Doing chores and watching Netflix had been my daily routine. I’m trying to figure out to do something different today.

Diary Entry

9:48 pm March 24, 2020 

I’m just watching anime and streamers play video games. Nothing productive. I should be catching up on work but I procrastinate too much like right now. I did do the written assignment for my Stats class today and found out the importance of modeling the spread of the epidemics and how to prevent it from becoming a huge outbreak to a small outbreak. It is kind of interesting since I do plan on going for a mathematics major. The thing is statistics is like a different kind of math from calculus and is kind of a difficult class for me right now. But then its probably only hard because I’m not doing most of the homework. Maybe if I did that and read the textbook I might be doing fine in that class.

2:27 am March 25, 2020 

I’m still up because this stay in has messed up my sleeping schedule. I finished the Intro to Linear Algebra practice exam and will complete the actual exam later today after I sleep and finish my online class meetings. Now I’m just listening to EDM while writing this entry. I plan on going to sleep in an hour or so. There is news that next week we have off again next week which is cool but spring break has been shortened to April 8th to 10th. I still have a lot of catching up to do in all 3 of my math classes. 

10:30 pm March 25, 2020 

I’ve finished all of my online meetings and now I’m finishing my MAT 2580 exam to turn in because it is due tomorrow. There is also a MAT 2580 homework due tomorrow so I have to finish that too. It has been mostly boring. I was just on my computer most of the day. 

Yash Sharma

March 24, 2020 – Jackson Heights, Queens, New York City 10:18PM

Dear Diary, I bought my very own bass yesterday. I had to drive to Long Island by Mount Sinai to pick up, but it was 100 bucks so it was worth it. I’ve been playing all day, recorded a couple of videos and even wrote down some music I made. Hopefully this bass will help me stay indoors and will keep me distracted for a while.

March 25, 2020 – Everything I did the day before, I plan on doing today. I have to learn songs that my friend wrote to help him with his band and I have to help write for this other project I’m part of. Hopefully this can keep me busy and productive. I got two of my midterms back, I didn’t do too bad so I’m not stressing it.

March 26, 2020 – My parents woke me up to go grocery shopping. Every store that we went to had a long line so it took forever to get everything we needed.

Diary Week 1 Ruhshona

Ruhshona Rustamova

March 23 06:45pm kings highway Brooklyn New York

Woke up today at 9:30 because I had a math lecture from 10 – 11:40 my professor had some technical difficulties and we had the lecture only for 40 mins. After I had to submit my math homework through webwork which took me around 50 min. Then I went to the kitchen and made myself some toast and added milk and sugar to my coffee after I finished I washed the dishes after my self. I helped my sister with her online homework which was quite easy because she’s only in 3rd grade. I watched Netflix or a few hours and then had lunch, for lunch I had a chicken sandwich which didn’t taste that good because the chicken was kinda dry. I was so bored that I decided to take a nap I woke up around 06:20 and started  writing my diary.

March 24 07:57pm Kings Highway Brooklyn New York

Today was a very exhausting day I had to wake up at 8 to take my online anatomy lab quiz I could barely keep my eyes open, I had 30 minutes to finish 30 questions it was kinda tough but I still managed to finish on time I got a score of 82 which isn’t that bad considering I didn’t even study for it. I went back to sleep after and woke up at 11. My mom made some pancakes for breakfast, so I had pancakes with syrup and a cup of green tea. My cousin came over with her baby daughter and brought lasagna so we had lasagna for lunch. I didn’t really do much for the rest of the day just hanged out with my family.

March 25 05:34pm Kings Highway Brooklyn New York

I had my alarm set for 9:30 but woke up at 9:50 turned on my laptop went into blackboard and joined my math class this time my professor didn’t have any technical difficulties and we actually went through with the lesson. After my friend called me asking me if I wanted to go over to her house and help her bake. I spend the entire day at her house, we tried baking a cake and other pastries which turned out pretty good.

Diary Week Adventure

Diary of how I’m spending my week 

Yesenia Matute English 1101-C361

March 23-26, 2020


March23,2020 Cypress Hill, Brooklyn, East New York 


Hey diary today was a good day. I had my first online work video call  with my coworkers. It was fun seeing all my friends that I work with. I Also had  Acai bowls, this is a bowl with granola a smoothie then it has more granola then it has nutella and then you can put whatever fruit you want I like to put banana, blue berry, and strawberry. So today me and my cousin got this dye to color our hair but it’s temporary so I had a lot of braids on my hair so my sister and cousin started to take out the braid. They took like an hour taking out my braid. I actually like how my hair came out so then me and my cousin sat on a chair while my sister and my other cousin dyed our hair. I was disappointed because the color did not stay. My hair is too dark so the color did not stay on my hair. 


March 24,2020 Cypress Hill, Brooklyn, East New York 


Hey guys today was a very good productive day. I went and did laundry, I had a date with my cousin in her car and we had Pizza. I also cleaned my room. I was bored so I started to clean. Every time  I get bored now I always clean my room. I don’t know why I do that. My cousin did a virtual party for my cousin today. It was her birthday. She turned 8. She is like my little sister. I love her so much. It was fun. I saw my cousin that lives in Florida. I saw my other cousins, aunts,  and close family friends. The theme was Harry Potter. Today was a good day. I really enjoy my day. I have been trying to stay inside but I can’t be home for too long. I feel like if I stay home for too long I will hate it. Sometimes I don’t mind being home but all the time I can’t . Hope all of you guys stay safe.


March 25,2020 Cypress Hill, Brooklyn, East New York 


 Today was an okay day, I put the clothes that I washed yesterday  away today. I was mostly home. I cleaned my room. I went to my aunt’s house in the afternoon to take her some food. Now i’m about to watch a show on Netflix with my cousin and sister. Today was a slow day. I was home most of the day. 


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