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Diary entry _Ganesh

March 5th, 2020

12:56 PM

Dear Diary,

Just woke up and it just hit me that I haven’t been uploading anything to openlab, can’t lie I have been enjoying life living inside. I had free time but I guess it just slipped my mind to upload. however I have been reading some of you guy’s posts and it is really interesting to see how everyone is doing and how they are dealing with this crisis differently. It has been a week since I have uploaded during this time of absence I have been enjoying these Netflix movies and series also I have been eating a lot, I actually gained some weight. Yesterday I tried to go grocery shopping and had to wait in a huge line just to get in, that wasn’t the worst part, when I finally got inside they had limitations on almost every  items toilet paper was limited to 1 pack per customer and water was limited to 2 cases per customer. while inside the manager made an announcement saying that they wont be getting supplies for a while so they might be closing the store  for a few days. As I looked around I can see the facial expression on everyone’s face and all I saw was everyone looking anxious and nervous. hope everyone is doing well…stay safe.

Diary March26- April,2, 2020 

Diary of  how I spend my week 

Yesenia Matute English 1101-C361

March26- April,2, 2020 


March 27,2020 Brooklyn, East New York Cypress Hill 


 Dear diary, Today was a wonderful day. I woke up in a great mood. I woke up early and I did some homework. Then I got up, fixed my bed and then I went to take a shower and start my day. I went with my cousin to do delivery. That’s a side job we have and we have been very careful with this virus. We did a few and then we went back to my house today was a good day. Now I’m home in bed. I’m about to watch a movie and be in bed all night.


March,28,2020 Brooklyn, East New York Cypress Hill 


    Dear diary,Today was a good day. We went to buy a cake. My sister’s best friend’s birthday so went to her house and woke her up by singing  happy birthday. It was a rainy day. I love when it rains. I like to be home in bed and watch movies or my shows. But today I went to Long Island. My aunt cooked for us and she made spaghetti and meatballs. It was good we made a tix toc video. It was so funny because my aunt didn’t know how to do it. Then after we went to my sister friend’s house because it was her birthday. We had a good day. 


March 29,2020 Brooklyn, East New York Cypress Hill 



   Dear diary Today I woke up so early I woke up at 7:30. I slept in my sister’s room and she had a family of birds that made a house in her window and they were making so much noise I think they were talking because they would not be quiet. So I had to wake up because I was not tired anymore. I went to the kitchen and made coffee. I don’t normally drink coffee but today I wanted coffee but I like my coffee cold. I started to clean my room. I rearranged my room because I got tired of how it used to be. I have more space in my room and I like it better this way. Now I’m in bed. I’m going to watch my show and then go to sleep. 


 March,30,2020  Brooklyn, East New York Cypress Hill 


 Dear diary, I had an okay day today. Today was a slow day. I feel like I didn’t do anything. I was home all day. The only thing I did today was be on a video call for work and then I did some homework and wrote this diary. I feel like the days are going by so slowly. Today, yesterday feels like the same day all days are the same. 


March 31,2020 Brooklyn, East New York Cypress Hill


 Dear diary, today was a good day. I was home all day. I did a puzzle I colored in my coloring book. I did homework. I was on facetime with my best friend. Today I have  not been feeling good. My throat is killing me and my nose has been runny so I ask my sister to buy me a tea. Today was a good day. I hope tomorrow is better.


April 1,2020 Brooklyn, East New York Cypress Hill


Dear diary, Today I was all day again. I need to go outside. I’m tired of being home I don’t do. I wish i had a job just to have something to do. I was feeling good when I woke up today but in  the afternoon I started to cough and my nose got more runny and my throat hurt more. My mom made me tea. She also made me soup and she gave me medicine. She has been taking care of me. I have been in bed all day. I haven’t been walking around my house. I just stayed in my room today and it was ok. I hope I feel better tomorrow. 


April,2, 2020 Brooklyn, East New York Cypress Hill


Dear diary, today is a good day. I woke up feeling better. I’ve been taking medication and drinking tea. Today I went food shopping. I had to wait outside. I had to wait 20 minutes to go inside the supermarket. Then I went home and my friend came to visit me. She kept me company while my sister was at work. I cooked for her and I made her pastelito. I’ve been hooked on this show is call Jersey Shore. I’ve been watching it for awhile now. Now I’m going to lay down and drink my tea and be on facetime with my best friend.

diary entry 1

March 30, 9:59 am

I’ve finally got some free time on my hands after helping build this hospital that for Governor Cuomo. Been a long couple days waking up from 5am and not getting back to my hotel room till 6:30 or 7pm. I can’t wait till I finally can get a break and actually sleep in and enjoy my sleep. Times like this is where I miss my normal life… waking up for school at 10am and leaving around 4 or 5pm. The “grownup life” is really different from the life we have right now. I just hope this doesn’t mess up my summer.


March 30th, 11:18am

I started coughing and having a serve headache. Went back to work like how I always do at 5am but this time things felt different. I couldn’t concentrate. One of my sergeants saw me coughing and put in quarantine in the hotel room for 14 days. Best 14 days of my life honestly because now I can catch up on so much sleep. Slept like a baby when I got back to my room. Enjoyed breakfast and started making up assignments that I’ve missed (there’s a lot).


April 1st, 12:37pm

Slept like a baby again in this comfy hotel bed. Starting to love this quarantine. I wonder if they would put me on it again if I start coughing or would they just send me home. Basically did the same thing I did yesterday. There isn’t really much to do because the higher ups told me that I couldn’t leave my room. Headache is gone. I’ve just been sneezing here and there and I have a runny nose. The doctors and medics check up on me daily to see my health and of course thank God it’s improving. But I was kinda scared the first day because coughing and headaches are symptoms of the virus.

How to Prepare for your Zoom Planet Discussion Meeting

To be ready for this meeting you should have already: posted an extended Diary excerpt by now; and have completed and posted your reflection/summary.

You should also have read all the posts of all the other people on your planet before the meeting starts.

Uranus from Wikipedia

Discussion Points: Everyone on your planet needs to read everyone else’s posts and be prepared to discuss them. We want to talk about how we are shaping our diaries so far. What are the main tones or themes? How can we analyze them as a piece of writing and not just for content? How did we analyze the diary we chose to read — and, did it help us?

Additional discussion point to bring to the meeting: a skill/personal interest/hobby/art/goal — something you are working on during this period of time (not school work). If this makes you cringe, then you are probably doing it right. If we don’t have time during our first Planet meeting — very likely — then we will do it during the second one.

Zoom Planet Meeting(s) This Week — please COMMENT to RSVP

Hi Class,

You should already have read a post about meeting with you in small discussion groups that I’m calling “Planets.” Respond in the COMMENTS section here and tell me which meeting you are attending. I will write yet another POST with more important info. For now, keep reading:

Zoom. Meeting ID is 942-407-5048. Meeting should last about 20-30 minutes. If more than 3 people respond I will hold the meeting. I don’t want to exceed 6 participants each if possible.

Solar System illustration from Wikipedia

Mars: Thursday, April 2 at 11:30AM

Earth: Friday, April 3 at 11:30AM

Venus: Friday, April 3 at 3:30PM

Update Mar 30 — Planets — from Prof. S.

Good Afternoon, Class, and welcome to this recess period. This is a good time for us to talk and take stock of the work you’ve done thus far and discuss how to move forward. I am setting up Zoom meetings over the next few days and will be inviting you. My thought is: if I group you into smaller circles, rather than one big class circle, we can all focus better, and have better discussion.

Image of the planet Venus from Wikipedia.

15-20 minutes each session

4 or 5 people at a time

each small zoom circle is going to be called a “planet” so I can keep them all straight.

I am looking for your reflection/summary assignments today, Monday! Those will be referred to in our group discussion. So please get them to me.

Looking forward to “seeing” you all soon! I will send you another post with parameters of the meetings.

-Prof. S.

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