Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry

9:48 pm March 24, 2020 

I’m just watching anime and streamers play video games. Nothing productive. I should be catching up on work but I procrastinate too much like right now. I did do the written assignment for my Stats class today and found out the importance of modeling the spread of the epidemics and how to prevent it from becoming a huge outbreak to a small outbreak. It is kind of interesting since I do plan on going for a mathematics major. The thing is statistics is like a different kind of math from calculus and is kind of a difficult class for me right now. But then its probably only hard because I’m not doing most of the homework. Maybe if I did that and read the textbook I might be doing fine in that class.

2:27 am March 25, 2020 

I’m still up because this stay in has messed up my sleeping schedule. I finished the Intro to Linear Algebra practice exam and will complete the actual exam later today after I sleep and finish my online class meetings. Now I’m just listening to EDM while writing this entry. I plan on going to sleep in an hour or so. There is news that next week we have off again next week which is cool but spring break has been shortened to April 8th to 10th. I still have a lot of catching up to do in all 3 of my math classes. 

10:30 pm March 25, 2020 

I’ve finished all of my online meetings and now I’m finishing my MAT 2580 exam to turn in because it is due tomorrow. There is also a MAT 2580 homework due tomorrow so I have to finish that too. It has been mostly boring. I was just on my computer most of the day. 

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    EDM. I am glad you have some music to keep you company with the writing. What other details? I like the way you come in at the end of the day and talk about what happened. Maybe that is a theme for you — the consistent time. Or the late-night perspective on what has passed…
    -Prof. S.

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