Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry 2_Alondra

During this whole situation, I’ve been extremely bored and worried. Worried for both my father and brother who work in the hospital. We just came back from Texas and it feels crazy to be back.  Every time somebody knew we were from New York they would literally get scared. But overall we are all fine at the moment. Wearing gloves and face masks are extremely necessary now especially in airports. My mother isn’t letting me leaving the house either and I actually thought it was going to be easy but it’s actually pretty hard. I’m literally gaining weight from just eating so much and not doing anything at all. But we’re all going to get through this. I hope everyone is doing well! Miss you guys lol.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    I went through a phase of “needing” to eat a ton of pretzels before bed. I think that phase has passed. I also “needed” waffles at certain points during the day.
    I could go on.
    I hope you are well, and I can totally relate to the Texas reference. Not that I go there, or anything, but I feel very proud of our state and city right now, and I am imagining what other people must be thinking, and wishing that we (NYers) could do something to show people around the country that we’re human. Do you know what I mean? Is there some way we can do that on social media? Is anyone telling the rest of the country what it’s really like here?
    -Prof. S.

  2. Zahira

    Thanks for sharing what you’ve been up and how you feel. I can relate to most of the things you said. My brother also works in a hospital and I’m worried about him as well. The best thing we could do is just hope that they will be okay and they will. I get the part were you said your mom won’t let you go anywhere same here but that’s what’s best for now. Hope you stay safe , miss you guys too lol
    – Zahira S.

  3. Ruhshona

    Me too I didn’t think staying home all would be hard but I’m getting bored of everything I do. hopefully this will end very soon so we can go back to our normal routines.

  4. Sigi Carcani

    I can relate about your family situation that you are worried about them working at the hospital. Some of my family members work at the hospital too and I’m really worried. I understand when you said that your mom doesn’t let you go outside same for me too. My dad limit me because this situation it getting even worst now, but we have to for our safety and others.
    -Best, Sigi C.

  5. Yesenia Matute

    My mom is not letting me leave the house at she was telling me that the street are very bad now so she has me on locked down my sister only goes out when she has to work. I am also worry about my cousin because he work at the hospital he only had on day off this week. Stay safe

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