Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry 2_Justin

I have been doing fine. I’ve have gone out to the gym to workout but now it’s closed. On Sunday I went out to eat Korean bbq with my 4 cousins. I started to get back into playing PC games since there is nothing to do. I’m mostly playing Call of Duty Warzone which recently came out. I haven’t done anything school-related in a while and need to catch up on homework and classes so I don’t fail.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    My son would understand about the games, Justin. I don’t know enough. Why do you like COD Warzone, in particular? Is the PC platform a compromise for you?
    Going out with friends sounds good.
    I can totally relate to not being able to go to the gym. Actually, to be truly honest, I had really not gone much of late, but it was still an important hub for me. I used to go every single day, on the regular, and it felt like such an big part of my life. It’s a space that is like no other; our day-to-day life that’s usually full of commerce and work…
    Stay well. Don’t worry, you will get into the flow of school again. It’s like working out. One difficult day leads to things being easier the next.
    -Prof. S.

  2. ganesh

    dude I feel you, with the gym being closed its really hard to get through the day, thank god for Netflix hulu and youtube. by the end of this crisis I will gain a whole lot of weight

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