Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary entry2_ Jonathan

Honesty when we was talking about this whole virus thing in class and how we would have to transition to classes online… I thought we was just joking. But it’s really serious. Governor is debating on giving curfews, everyone is buying groceries from the supermarket and are now being very careful. And then there’s me .. I don’t see it as something so serious. I don’t know why I think like this honestly but just being away from home right now and being with the National Guard doesn’t really make me scared at all well if I’m really telling the truth I wasn’t scared at all honestly thought this was just a little phase that was going to pass us and move on but it looks like it’s going to stick around for a while. I hope not


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    You are with the National Guard? For real? Can you tell us what it’s like? I think class would be totally interested — if you are allowed to share.
    I think that you have a level-headed attitude and I hope you stay strong and calm.

    I still want to know what you continued to think about 4’33”. You were great to talk to about it! I totally enjoyed your questions. I told my brother what I had said to you, and he thought I was being crazy harsh. He laughed. He said, “Of course, no one would know what to write! You’re crazy!”
    -Prof. S.

  2. ganesh

    being with the national guard must be really cool. not going to lie I wasn’t scared too but since the virus looks like its going to be here for a while its definitely something to worry about.

  3. Jian-carlo

    When we first spoke of online classes it did seem as a joke and to now be here struggling with making this work it feels very real. I agree with the shopping sprees of groceries being unnecessary however the national guard is pretty scary.

  4. Justin_Zhong

    I don’t really feel scared at all too. It feels like it’s just going to past. But I learned about the flattening curve for my stats class and its important for us to limit the spread to not overwhelm hospitals and supplies. Hopefully, a vaccine gets develop soon and this will all just pass already.

  5. Jonathan

    Yeah they definitely taking extreme measures towards this virus. Hope its solved sooner than later

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