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My Thoughts on Corona

During this coronavirus I’ve felt very scared about riding the trains and being around so many people. Everyone is changing and there’s so much racism, which is not ok. People are wearing gloves and masks. Although, this virus can really only hurt older people and people with weak immune systems. I’m only really  worried about my grandparents. I’m coping this situation by washing my hands as much as I can and always putting hand sanitizer before and after riding the train. I’ve been trying not to touch my face as much as I can. I never thought this would ever happen. My brother works at my local hospital and he says there’s two people there who have been confirmed with corona and one is in severe condition. One positive thing I took out of this situation is that you have to be aware of your surroundings and if you feel sick you should go to the hospital before it spreads even more. 

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    I am glad you shared your thoughts, Alondra. How are your family members doing right now? How are you doing?
    Missing class,
    -Prof. S.

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