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Diary Excerpt_Week 1 Deron W.

March 23 Brooklyn, NY

12:30 PM

Dear Diary,

I woke up early today for the first day of online classes .. it didn’t go as bad as I expected, the class was in good spirits. After my first class I ate some breakfast, I believe I had eggs and bacon with pancakes. As I was eating I found myself wondering how the rest of this semester would turn out and if I would remain motivated.


Later in the day I played iMessage games with a couple of friends to seduce my boredom ; along with playing Uno with my two brothers. The game got so intense my older brother had to draw 26 cards. The thought of the remainder of the week still lingering my mind.

March 24 Brooklyn, NY


Dear Diary,

Second day of online classes and I’m not so stressed about it anymore, everything’s going according to plan except for the fact that the casualties continue to rise due to the coronavirus. New Yorkers continue to pack the train stations instead of staying indoors, I only expect it to continue getting worst- unless more  individuals take part in the quarantine.


I’ve continued my normal indoor gym routine along with a little bit extra to make sure I remain sore until the morning. The aching of my muscles sure helps to keep me occupied.

March 25 Brooklyn, NY

2:30 PM

Dear Diary,

I spoke to my mom today to check on her and see how things are going. My mom’s currently in Florida on a business trip. She told me every since the massive outbreak she hasn’t been staying inside often (especially because her occupation is a baby nurse), she spends most of her free time watching the news to see the latest updates. I remind her to not let it drive her crazy, as she reminds me to check the mail.

March 26 Brooklyn, NY

Dear Diary,

1:00 PM

Today I woke up in a good mood, made some cereal (fruity pebbles with strawberries) and decided to go for a walk. The sun was shining although it was a little windy, perfect hoodie season. I stopped by Popeyes on the way back  home to get the Chicken Sandwish Combo, glad to know it still taste delicious. I spent most of my day caught up in social media just looking at how everyone else was spending their day. I finished the fourth season of Originals on Netflix and I predict by the end of next week I’m going to need a new show to invest my time in.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    You’ve been a really good commentator of this situation, Deron. This is like your 4th post. Down to the Fruity Pebbles, your details and clear eye have been great. I really liked the line “I remind her to not let it drive her crazy; she reminds me to check the mail.”
    Well, I took liberties with the punctuation there. It seemed so appropriate. I read it like that, anyway, as a mother. I can never stop reminding my kid to do this thing or that thing. And he usually says stuff like that to me, back.
    You also capture the progress of the social attitudes, and the vibe, as they shift day by day.
    -Prof. S.

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