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Circle Time Agreement: Everyone Must Sign

Your COMMENT is needed to this post.

In your COMMENT, you will use the words: “I, [YOUR NAME HERE], agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.”

This is important. Why? Now that we are in an Online environment, safety is even more compromise-able. You may not share any video, text, image to social media from this site. You may not speak to others outside of our class of private matters discussed in our website Circle. Our safety is important to us, and we can not write well unless everyone knows their thoughts and insights and feelings are safe.

Every link in the chain keeps the circle safe, and this begins with you.


  1. Ruhshona

    I Ruhshona agree to abide by the rules of circle time.

  2. ganesh

    I, Ganesh Sitaram agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.

  3. Yesenia Matute

    I Yesenia Matute agree to abide by the rule of Circle Time

    • Yash Sharma

      I, Yash Sharma, agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.

  4. Alondra Vences

    I, Alondra Vences agree to abide by the rule of Circle Time.

  5. Jonairy

    I Jonairy Jerez Dominguez agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.

  6. chelsead219

    I, Chelsea Davis, agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.”

  7. Hans

    I, Hans Mejia, agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.

  8. Justin_Zhong

    I, Justin Zhong, agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.

  9. Zahira

    I, Zahira Santana, agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.

  10. Anonymous

    I, Jian-Carlo Valerio, agree to abide by thee rules of Circle Time.

    • Jian-Carlo Valerio

      i didn’t sign in….

  11. Jonathan

    I, Jonathan Dorival, agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.”

  12. Deron03

    I, Deron Williams, agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time.

  13. Sigi Carcani

    I, Sigi Carcani, agree to abide by the rules of Circle Time

  14. Adelina

    I, Adelina Sulyok, agree to abide by the rule of Circle Time

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