Big Ideas Welcome Here

Your first (simple, but really important) assignment in our new Online environment is:

WEEK of March 19-20: This assignment is required of each student. If you have not yet posted to our site, I can’t add you to the new Members Links I have created on the site, and it will be much harder for me to track your work and give you credit.

Assignment for Week of March 19-20, Due Mar 23: Write a post to this site. Title it Diary Entry 2 and put your FIRST NAME in the title. For example: Diary Entry 2_Sarah.  Write about how you are doing now; how you have been doing up to now; add details, names, places — don’t just speak in generalities. Say what you’ve been up to, and/or what those close to you have been up to.

I am not grading you on perfect grammar here, but you should be as clear and error free as possible, and use language in an honest, direct, and understandable way. Keep the reader’s experience in mind, even if that reader is only you. Write like you care and you mean it. There is no length requirement, per se. Write what you wish.

Note 1: Please note that I changed the Privacy settings so that only those registered to our course can see the posts. However, if you still feel that you would like to have only me (the Professor) read your post, please adjust the “Visibility” setting on the upper right of your screen from “Public” to “Private.”

Note 2: During the last two classes before Recess, we all discussed how to post to OpenLab. Most of you complied with my first request to post, and I’ve already recorded your entries. Great! If you are still having trouble, see the OpenLab Help pages link.

Note 3: I strongly suggest you start doing your Online work on a device larger than a phone — at least at first — as the mobile interface is harder to navigate.



  1. Jian-carlo

    Diary Entry 2- JianCarlo
    During quarantine I feel the most difficult part is keeping yourself busy. After scrolling through all social media platforms for hours it gets boring and repetitive. Not even having the option to go walk and enjoy outdoors makes it feel even more stressful. However, I do enjoy the excuse to live a lifestyle we all loath for, sitting in bed for hours eating a new snack every 30 minutes and being lazy. Hopefully when this is all over we appreciate being outside, doing any activity with friends, and just connection with each-other. This break proves to me that humans need some type of connection/interaction to stay sane.

    • Sarah Schmerler

      I can relate, JianCarlo. Post this as a NEW POST, not as a comment, so that I can add you to the roll at the right.
      -Prof. S.

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