Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary Entry 2 Hans

Hey guys, Sorry I haven’t posted here in OpenLab. Just trying to figure things out with this distance learning and most importantly getting used to it. This coronavirus is nothing to play with. It is a serious problem that is taking over the world. As of today, I feel very worried and a little foolish because I was one of the people that was joking around this virus and not taking it serious. I learned the hard way that this virus is just getting worst. Since my job and my school are both closed, I’m spending way too much time at home and isolating myself from gatherings outside. I’m not doing much besides eating, sleeping and watching TV shows. Netflix has become my ride or die best friend lol. Breaking Bad is honestly the greatest tv show of all time. I’m not used to being at home the entire day. However, I got to understand that not being around people is probable the best way to slow down this virus. I’m feeling okay and healthy. Hope everyone is also safe and healthy. Let’s get through this!


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    You are right, Hans. Not being around people is the safe way to play it and I am so glad that you are playing it safe. Your “ride or die” comment made me smile. I understand. I am addicted to a show and am really loathe to admit it.
    Reading your post makes me realize that I am overdue for my humble and weird outdoor exercise time. I want to stay in, though. I want to…watch…TV….
    Hey, maybe you want to write about your show? Review it…?
    Just thinking out loud here.
    Be well, Hans, and so glad you are Online with us,
    -Prof. S.

  2. ganesh

    at first I was doing the same thing, making jokes about the virus but now its something serious and I regret doing so.
    tbh, those Netflix shows hit different now that im home and bored

  3. Jian-carlo

    I definitely agree with the struggle of adjusting to learning through Open Lab, Blackboard and these other virtual learning programs. Netflix and all streaming services have been my best-friend as well.

  4. Justin_Zhong

    Don’t worry a good amount of people were joking about the virus. It’s just important now to slow down the spread and Breaking Bad is one of the best TV show out there.

  5. chelsead219

    I have been going through the same thing. Im also having trouble using openlab as I’m not used to it. I have to keep three tabs open on different pages to function correctly and know what I’m doing. I feel like Ive watched everything on Netflix and all Ive been doing is sleeping. My job closed down too, I miss it.

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