Hi Class. I hope you are all well. It’s going to be important in the coming weeks that we all be able to communicate easily, and it’s also possible that we may need to communicate long distance. So: I have a new assignment for you. Write a Blog Post. Here. To This Site. Here is the prompt:

How are you feeling during this conronavirus situation? What is helping you cope? What behaviors are you noticing in yourself or in others? Do you have any insight or news or advice for your fellow students? And finally, can you list at least one or two positive things that are coming out of this experience for you?

Feel free to upload photos to your post. Please comment or refer to other posts as you read them in you post(s). We want 100% participation. We want to flood the course site with posts and words. Yes, this will count as credit in UNIT 2: Genre. 

I will change the privacy settings on our website so that only those of us who are Members of the site will be able to read it.

thank you.

stay well!!