ENG1101-0152, Freshman Comp, Fall 2020

Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

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Your WEEK 7 Assignments Folder is Live

Hi Class. Good workshop today. In discussion in today’s workshop, we looked at how to make the Major UNIT 2 Annotated Bibliography Assignment more manageable. As a result, I am dropping some materials for you now as well as your next Assignment. Please weigh in next class and tell me if or how they are helpful to you as you step into UNIT 2.

The Assignment has a due date. It will totally help you begin this assignment, so do it soon! It is in your WEEK 7 Folder here.

The Materials are there for you to consult. One shows the Process of the work you will go through to make your ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY; the other is an outline of the basic Structure of the ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. They are also in your WEEK 7 Folder here.

We decided in the workshop that the class as a whole might benefit from these materials.

See you Wednesday for our regular Zoom Class.



Get Organized! 

Notes: Now being organized means many different things. Today we’ll be learning how to be organized while being a college freshmen. Being in college, time management is the best way to get things done!


  1. Yourself
  2. Calendar
  3. Post-its & Pens
  4. Notebook/ Google Docs
  5. Clock with a Timer
  6. Google
  7. Zoom/Meetings
  8. Any accessories you think will help you to be more organized


  1. Set an alarm, the day before sharp at 8:30 am. 
  2. Wake up around 8:45 am, brush your teeth and get ready to present yourself for the day.
  3. Make yourself some coffee. Half spoon of sugar, mix your coffee and milk, heat it up and serve yourself!
  4. Class starts at 10 am, you have let’s say about an hour to kill. That hour, you will head to your desk, open your computer and make yourself a schedule for the day.  Make sure your schedule is strictly clear which will help you follow it thoroughly. 
  5. Use your Calendar which will be provided by your computer. Take notes on the side, writing other activates you’d like to do throughout the day, other than education.
  6. Now right before class starts, take that 15 mins to review what you’ve learned on your previous classes. Jot down notes or questions you might have.
  7. Follow your timely schedule and be present for all classes. Make sure you take lecture notes on Notebook or Google Docs, whatever is more convenient for you.
  8. After your  classes are done, look back at your schedule and jot down any assignments that were given. Take a break and give yourself a time to relax. Grab something to eat, have your half day meal. 
  9. After you’ve relaxed and got energized, get ready to finish the rest of day.
  10.  Look back at your schedule and complete the assignments that were given, make sure review your lecture notes which will help you follow up your assignments.
  11. After you’re done,  look over your schedule AGAIN and cross out everything that is complete. Keeping your schedule up to date is the best way to get organized. That way, you’ll always be on track.
  12. You’re done for the day!


Recipes: Learning to draw (easy)



  • A sheet of paper (preferably 8.5/11 and up)/ Sketch book 
  • #2 Pencil or mechanical pencil  (size: 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 or higher) 
  • Eraser 
  • Desk/ Table 
  • YouTube or Google (optional)
  • The picture or thing you want to draw





  1.  Find your inspiration or whatever you want to draw.
  2. Set up your desk area and make space.
  3. Get your sketchbook or paper with your pencil.
  4. Look at and examine the thing you want to draw.
  5. Start with drawing the simple geometric shapes you can see in your drawing ( if confused use YouTube)
  6. Then start drawing the simple details you see
  7. Then start filling in the little details and shading (if any)
  8. Now show your amazing work to your family and friends!!!!



You should sit up straight while drawing, don’t slouch, it causes back, neck, and shoulder pain and you don’t need that happening to you. Also try to massage your hand and take a break if it has a lot of tension or discomfort, it can happen when over working. As an artist you need patiences and focus, if you don’t have patience and focus, don’t worry you will improve. Don’t let the little things get to you, if you don’t know how to do something go on YouTube or Google to learn. Everything requires time.


Where to get materials: 


  • For paper and pencils you can go to your local discount, 99 cent or art supply store.
  • For sketchbooks go to an art supply store or discount store. 


Art Supply Stores: Blick Art supply, Michaels, or ANY art supply store should have these materials.


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