Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

Category: Unit 1 (Page 14 of 30)

Abubacar Dukuray_DRAFT1_UNIT1

Learning how to write was a quite different experience for me. I learned around Kindergarten or first grade if I can remember and I learned by tracing the letters over and over with my dad he had me do that everyday with him whether it was homework or not . But throughout the years learning “how to write” has never really stopped for me. I’ve used to change my handwriting a lot because I didn’t like how it used to look. Sometimes I would write slanted or sometimes try to write in script like my dad. So then my dad gave me an easy task which became a habit without him having to tell me I would read a book and just summarize about it or just write the part I read in my own handwriting and over time I found the handwriting style I liked. Writing has always been one of my favorite things to do not including taking notes but actual writing where I was given a topic and was told to do research and write about it because I’ve known how to get creative when writing and I was never the best at math so that’s why I always shifted towards English/Writing.

Another skill I remember is learning how to read now. Reading came easier to me. I wouldn’t say I taught myself completely but most of the vocabulary I know now I figured it out on my own. I somehow managed to always put together the meaning of a word depending on how it was used in a sentence the surrounding words and the topic of what I was reading would help me figure out the meaning of a word easily but I also use to read a lot of Book Series like Diary of a wimpy Kid or Dork diaries so I’ve seen slang and proper words within books before which helped me build a large vocabulary and helped me achieve the level of reading skills I have today.Spelling also played a role in me learning how to read because certain words I knew not all of them I knew how to spell and there are certain words that don’t sound the same when you spell it or when you actually say it so I had to learn how to spell most of the words I knew or would say regularly.To me Spelling plays an important role in both reading and writing because obviously in writing your spelling had to be the correct spelling or points were taken away and with reading it helped when you were able to spell out the words your were reading

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