Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

Author: Sana Shoaib (Page 6 of 6)


Life is change. Yes, it is. It changes with every breath I take and every time my eye blinks. At times these changes can be easily adaptable and digestible but many times acceptance is difficult. These changes can be as simple as sunny at sunrise and rainy as the day ends, but life can be unpredictable with the changes it bring. At times life and it’s change can make us stumble but acceptance and flexibility is the key.

Changes and challenges march neck and neck. We learn embracing changes and challenges when we take the first breath, when we take the first step, when we step in the kindergarten and several during this time. When we accept these changes and challenges, it makes us brave and embrace the strengths within us which we have been neglecting. Life and its changes scared us all several times.Recently when pandemic hit all and we were restricted by this massacre, I felt my life has taken an exhaustive change. I embraced refuge at my place like all. But then I realized that kids were the bravest and I admired the way kids embraced this situation. Finally I knew where I’ll find my strength. When life brings the change it  drags strengths and weaknesses with it and let us select.

If life brings a change and makes us feel crashed then accept the change, embrace it and advance in the right direction. Instead of whining, map up a plan and start advancing in right direction. If the plan fails then fight the odds and changes life hit with. Even the plan fails, it brings a change with it.


FIRST ASSIGNMENT- A new experience

When the final decision was made that Fall semester will be online, I was simply perplexed like most of the students. I knew it will be stressful experience for a person like me, who is not into technology.

It is always exciting to interact with your teacher and classmates directly instead of looking at a screen. Direct interaction always help you observe the ideas and concepts in a better way. Likewise, going on a campus everyday and studying in a proper classroom environment helps you acquire the required discipline and positive energy. On the other hand, staying at home can be comfortable for some students but for me it will be distracting.

It is difficult to switch from our old school method of writing and learning to a new one. Even while writing this small passage I was unable to pour out my ideas through a keyboard. So I had to brainstorm on the piece of paper first and then transfer it into the computer.

Overall it will be an exciting and thrilling experience for all of us. We have to muster up courage and open ourselves to adopt to new unexpected changes  brought by this pandemic in our lives . Surely, we can cope with it with the help of our teachers.

The image I shared above was once shown to us by one of our teachers. She always encouraged interaction with classmates and teacher. She believed it boost up our energy and create a healthy environment in the class. We all will miss this energy during online learning.

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