Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

Author: Liang Li (Page 5 of 6)

Liang Li_ draft 1 _ unit 1

I don’t really remember how to write when I was young, the only thing I still remember is I believe many people will do this is writing about our parents and sibling‘s things what they do what they don’t like about and Gossip them. sometime we will lie what we wrote and said something is not true because the Range we know is very little many things that we have no experience we are young we don’t experience school making friends, relationships. How I start learned to read is whenever I can’t sleep my mom will read Fairy tales to me. So I start to like fairy stories. It was naive to believe fairy is true, Beautiful When I was in elementary school I know fairy is fake. I know reading is Hardships, you have to have patience. My mom teaches me if you want to understand what the article talks about you have to read out loud word by word and add some emotions when you read like you are the author. if still don’t understand read again. This is important, my mom said that if you wanna read or remember something you have to do it in the morning. morning is the Better memory article of the day. After a night’s sleep, the brain is fully rested, and the nerve cells are in a new standby state, just like a page full of paper in your homework book, and now you turn to a new page, you can write new Homework. At this time, reading and studying, the brain nerve cells are particularly active. Human memory is particularly strong, so learning efficiency is naturally high. Every time when I read I’ll find what things are interest to me. when I enjoy reading I will love it. if you just read and no add your emotion inside is gonna be hard to comprehend. First, must have the habit and ability of simply constructing mind maps in your mind while reading. I remember one time I do my homework with my friend at the library and some children are talking about games,I cant foucus on my reading, when is it has loud sounds that make me feel Annoying, however, I wish that I can my with them but I have to my homework sad:) It’s hard to read when someone is bothering you. So, I ask my friend lets go home we can’t do it here is so noisy. I went home. I am relaxing, OMG finally no one disturbs me I can focus on my homework. (So far right now , I look forward, I still feel that I’m very admire to decide to go home when that young age). when I read or write I like to stay alone so that I won’t be Distracted. have to had a clear,queit place so that you can focus on the reading. I believe no one loves reading. all we love reading is read some funny articles I don’t like boring articles It makes me fall asleep. Now, I am in college those life tips do help me a lot, and it’s useful.

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