Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

Author: Karla Franco (Page 6 of 6)

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Ever-changing Life

Here we are, experiencing English classes virtually, meeting by screaming via webcams. Might have we guessed this may happen? That we may experience a widespread pandemic, quarantining with family eschewing germs and humans in general. Thinking back, March 13th when everything became surreal, I realized everything was changing. My classes were emptier than usual, classmates intrigued, asking what will happen next?

Then came my daily after-class teaching duty, which was peaceful at this time, we had just passed the quarterly assessments. We had spent three weeks preparing, earning the students, and teachers a well-deserved break. Yet this day like the few earlier, lacked students. Typically we had three-hundred students a day but this day we were left with less than 40% in attendance. The number decreasing as kids were picked up by their parents, panicked by the new virus. With fifty students left, I just basked in the silence seeming as if it was never this empty and peaceful. Appreciating what I was certain might be the last regular day I’d have in a while.

Thinking back this day excites me, what will happen in the next few weeks? Despite the few challenges I have faced, I deal with it and accept it. With the small issues came bigger things, that in the past year I have dealt with, but in the end, they have helped me learn, value life and its changes. With the multiple life challenges we face we will beat them, then deal with new challenges. Because that is life, always changing, it’s inevitable, embrace it.

First Assignment

One word to describe how I feel is excited! If someone had told me last year that I would be starting college online I would have not believed them. However I love an unexpected challenge, I cant wait to experience college for the first time without the pressure of having to wake up early to make it to class on time, missing the train, or leaving my dog home alone. During the summer I was fortunate enough to get some experience with online classes, I taught elementary students for 2 hours a day. If kids 10 years younger than me with far less experience can find a way to be excited to sit and stare at a screen for an extended period than I definitely can.

My apologies for the late response, I’ve spent all day wondering how I truly feel. I’m still slightly unsure but one thing I am sure of is that I am eager for what’s to come.

The picture I chose to add is one of my biggest motivators, my dog.

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