Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

Author: Gerardo

Gerardo R. Lipogram 1

Life is change.

Life was an amazing gift. The best I’ve ever had if I’m being real. And the changes that I’ve been in have all been challenging. But it did shape my character in the present. When I remember the times in elementary and middle classes it warms my heart. And all I can think is that, I had many amazing times. I had many dreams. Much success, Much failure. But I kept my head up and stayed secure. My dreams have changed many times. In elementary I wanted the gamer career. It’s what I was great at… at the time at least. When I reached Middle Classes I realized that gaming wasn’t a career I was meant taking. I had a change and switched.

The beautiful game called my mind. And I heard the call. I started playing and trained myself. 2 years. Training myself. And the result? I was great! I was seen as the best player in my class. In the grade. Yet when time came. I realized it wasn’t my career either. And that was a very hard truth. I was devastated. I gave it my all yet I wasn’t better than the kids trained since little. It was very hurtful admitting. Luckily it was the end. I realized I had a thing that was rare and unique. My talent. Ever since a little baby I was an artist. I always had an amazing endless imagination. I even split my cars and stuff to figure the insides of them. Ever since I realized that it is my destiny, I strived for it. And just like the beautiful game I had taken the tittle of the best in my high academy. I was awarded a medal at the Met. Had an art exhibit with several artists at museum PS1. It was great! I actually had a dream that’s really setting in and keeping up with me.

2020, An eventful year that came with much pain and change. The start was great. A new chapter in my athletic club. The 2nd year in the game. It was great. singles and dual games. hitting a ball against a wall. We trained very hard and it was a very amazing year and team. Then the news came by, we weren’t playing. It was all cancelled. The much heartache that it came with was incredibly hard. There wasn’t a next year. A new chance. We just had to admit defeat to a damn virus. And in present times still stuck in a square.