Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

Author: Delilah Wilson (Page 5 of 6)

Delilah W._DRAFT 1_UNIT 1

Personally I don’t believe the whole idea of there being a specific way of writing. However, I do believe that people have their own style of writing. From the age of 4, my mother would get writing books for me and my brothers. We had to write in the workbooks every single day for 1 hour after school. As I got older I learned the basics of writing.  The different genres of writing and different formats.  Now that I think of my growth in writing I have realized that I recently just learned how to write. During my senior year of high school, I took AP English literacy with Mr.Stienke. At first, I thought it was going to be a regular English class. I thought wrong! On the first day of class, he gave an assignment that we had thirty minutes to analyze a text and create an analysis to present.  I took the assignment as a breeze thinking I wasn’t going to have any issues. When it was my turn to present I went through such an embarrassment. Mr.Stienke just criticized my work the entire time. For the first three weeks, it was the same criticism. Got to the point where I didn’t want to attend his class anymore. He started to realize how distant I became in the classroom. And he gave me this private assignment where I had to write ten pages on how all the feelings I experienced throughout five days. This assignment is what helped me understand what some people look for when they read. I learned how to go into detail but not give to much information away. I learned how to create my own style of writing that fit me. Overtime I just picked up the idea that not everyone is going to write like Alice Walker or Stephen King. As for reading, I feel like I have been reading my whole life. I was told that as a toddler I would always have a book in my hand. I believe it because now that’s all I do on my free time. In elementary school, it started off as reading logs and reading levels. Every night I had to come home read a chapter or two, then have my mother sign the paper. I remember in the 4th grade I was obsessed with Junie B Jones and Diary of A Wimpy Kid. When I got into junior high that’s when I lost my interest in reading only because it became a force.  My freshman year with Ms.Walker was when reading became fun again. She made us read everything out loud. Which made reading more understanding and flexible.

Delilah-Gladys Wilson DEJ 1: BUNN

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