Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

Author: Burton Alcide (Page 4 of 6)


Recipe for being the best basketball player you can be:


  • Perseverance
  • Leadership Skills
  • Time Management Skills
  • Listening Skills
  • Hard work ethic
  • Quick reflexes
  • Quick hands
  • Quick feet                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Directions:
  • Wake up.
  • Eat a proper breakfast so you can have energy for the rest of the day.
  • Go to the gym and get a few shots up before going to class.
  • Work on the weakest parts of your game.
  • Go to class and make sure you do all your work.
  • After class, go back to the gym
  • This time when you go to the gym make sure that you play against competitors.
  • While playing against these competitors make sure that you practice the moves that you practiced earlier in the real games.
  • After going to the gym the second time, go home and make sure that you finish all of your work, so you can go to bed at a decent time so you can wake up and keep the routine going.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Notes:
  • Make sure you try your best to get as much work in as possible because there will always be someone out there working harder than you.


Personally I think that this article is totally correct. I feel as though all our lives, we’ve been taught the wrong way. Everything is so systematic and not based on what makes you curious or catches your attention. I feel like, most of the things that we learn in life, we don’t really find curiosity in them. That is the reason why it is so easy to fail. But if I am speaking specifically about myself, I wouldn’t say that education killed my curiosity because, even though most of the things that we learn about aren’t exciting, some things still do make me curious. So, no education has not completely killed my curiosity.

Now that I am grown up, I feel like the digital world has to be the thing that catches my curiosity the most. On social medias, the internet, whatever the case maybe you will always find something to catch your attention, Honestly, I can go as far as saying the digital world is the leader in making people curious. Things that make me curious vary from things like a basketball player dunking the ball so hard, to how people even thought of making an airplane. We should start researching with questions instead of answers because we need to see what’s in demand. We need to know what the people need and what would make them learn better. We could still teach the subjects the way we do, but we could find a way to incorporate their curiosities into the way we teach so that they can learn better and more effectively.

I would say that the digital world is making me smarter because, any thing that don’t understand I just look it up and I find my answer. Any answer that you need, you can find it in the digital world.

“Children, full of questions about things that interest them, are learning not to ask them at school.” This is a major problem  in society.

“Promoting curiosity in children, especially those from environments of economic disadvantage, may be an important, under-recognized way to address the achievement gap.” This could spark an idea on how we can  help kids learn better.

“Promoting curiosity is a foundation for early learning that we should be emphasizing more when we look at academic achievement.” These three quotes caught my attention because I feel like they really do sum up the whole article in a few sentences.

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