Life is change

Everyday life has changed drastically since the pandemic began. It was difficult adapting being in public wearing a mask. Keeping family and friends at a distance made me feel as if  i have faded away. I spent everyday in my safe place and i feel that it made me be pensive about the way we live, and I became reserved. Life is always testings us with challenges even if we expect it.

Well when did these challenges begin? i’d say when I was birthed, that’s why I came crying. I was always faced with challenges since a little girl. I’m sure we all have. A huge challenge I can say i was put face with was my birth giver passing. I was at the age 4 at the time, sadly i cant remember anything i was just beginning my life, but yet, i still manage to see my life with the glass half full.

We are always put with things we may regret, but we gain awareness and that is what matters. Always see the glass half full, never half empty. We are all currently dealing with a new change, having classes virtually. But, despite the unexpected change, we are here, learning, reaching success in life.