Words to Change Our World with Prof. Sarah Schmerler

First Assignment

One word to describe how I feel is excited! If someone had told me last year that I would be starting college online I would have not believed them. However I love an unexpected challenge, I cant wait to experience college for the first time without the pressure of having to wake up early to make it to class on time, missing the train, or leaving my dog home alone. During the summer I was fortunate enough to get some experience with online classes, I taught elementary students for 2 hours a day. If kids 10 years younger than me with far less experience can find a way to be excited to sit and stare at a screen for an extended period than I definitely can.

My apologies for the late response, I’ve spent all day wondering how I truly feel. I’m still slightly unsure but one thing I am sure of is that I am eager for what’s to come.

The picture I chose to add is one of my biggest motivators, my dog.


  1. Geneva Gee

    Hi Karla,

    I love how enthusiastic you are about our situation with online learning! Your optimism is really appreciated and inspirational to me. Also, your dog is adorable.

  2. Abigail

    I love how motivated and excited you are. I like how you use kids as an example for a reason to enjoy yourself.

  3. Ashley Pineda

    Hey karla,
    Like Geneva said, I love your optimism!

  4. Ashley Pineda

    Hey karla,
    Like Geneva said, I love your optimism!

  5. Ashley Pineda

    Hey karla,
    Like Geneva said, I love your optimism!

  6. Ashley Pineda

    Hey karla,
    Like Geneva said, I love your optimism!

  7. Ashley Pineda

    Hey karla,
    Like Geneva said, I love your optimism!

  8. Ashley Pineda

    Hey karla,
    Like Geneva said, I love your optimism!

  9. Ashley Pineda

    I’m sorry about that I don’t know why my comment submitted that way. As I was saying, I love your optimism! Seeing the glass half full rather than half empty is always a great way to go smoothly with life. I am also always excited for new experiences and always ready to expect the unexpected. I also love your dog! My dogs name is Fluffy, he is a shih tzu and he means everything to me.

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