For unit 3, my goal is to teach my audience the relationship stress has on human health. There are various negative effects stress can bring to people, fortunately, there are also various ways to manage stress. My target audience would be anybody feeling overwhelmed and going through mental or emotional strain, which can include basically everybody from students, teachers, parents, etc. The genre I am planning to write on is a pamphlet. I am choosing to write as a pamphlet because I feel that it is the appropriate genre for this topic and the appropriate genre for my target audience. I am also choosing to make a pamphlet because it is more of an enjoyable way of gaining information regarding colorful images and short pieces of information that include the most important facts other than long information lacking from making the readers enjoy what they are reading. My plan on creating this pamphlet is by using It is a free website where I can create a pamphlet that includes various designs such as different templates, backgrounds, elements, and add your own text and photos. I intend on beginning my pamphlet by first taking out the most important facts from the research I did in the previous unit. From there I will organize the information into the pamphlet by first creating an appealing first page with a title. I am looking forward to getting creative with this work like background color and the text fonts, as well as images. If I were to worry about anything it would be the information I would be including in the pamphlet. I’m afraid I will be giving off too little or too much information. I am also concerned about how I will organize the pages transitioning from what stress can do to our bodies and what we can do to manage the stress.