How I learned how to read and write takes me back to elementary school where I first learned how to read. Which was reciting/memorizing my alphabets and putting those letters together to hear how it sounded. Learning how to write was about the same because to learn how to write it starts with learning your alphabets and knowing how to sound them out from capital to lowercase then putting it together to make a word. It of course wasn’t easy for me at first because English isn’t my first language and in my household my parents would always speak French and made sure I also learned French and remembered so English was definitely confusing to me when I got to school and a little harder for me to learn compare to other students who were only Focused on learning English. I remember when my elementary school teacher Ms. Gomez went from teaching me my alphabets to teaching me how to write my first, last name and age until I became a pro eventually it was the start of writing for me.


Seventh grade was the first time I realized I’m more of a Visual learner due to the state exams I was taking and more because I honestly don’t like to read nor a good listener. That’s when I realized Visual learning suits me more plus I enjoy organizing information and communicating with people. I believe everyone has their own way of processing information.  And the specific way of reading and writing. It’s just that mine is visual learning. Others may be kinaesthetic learners, people who prefer to be hands on, or Auditory learners people who enjoy hearing information and or reading/writing learners those who prefer text. The kind of education I have had until now is formal education because since elementary school I’ve been going to school full time until I’ve earned my high school diploma and I’ve never been home school. That being said my teachers had the most impact on me although my biggest supporters were my parents. 


Each and everyone of my teachers taught me a skill that I still use today I first remember in elementary and middle school my reading teacher would always teach me (WWWWH) when reading She would tell me to look for WHO(person), WHERE(place),WHY(reason), WHEN (time of the event), and finally HOW (method) this technique is one of the techniques I remember. Even understanding the title of the article is a technique because it gave me an idea of what the article will be about. Another technique is annotationing which I still use today every time I read a paper. Another technique is reading the question before answering the text because it gives you an idea of what to look for in the reading. All of these techniques helped me become Who I am today and helped me become a better learner/student which I am grateful for. I’m definitely not saying my reading and writing skills are the best today due to english not being my first language and all but I can definitely use new techniques to better my reading and writing.