Hi Class. Your next assignment is loaded into your WEEK 2 “To Do” Folder.  I will give you a direct link here, and also copy it below.

Assignment Week 2: “READING LIKE A WRITER”



You are commencing UNIT 1 — a unit in which you will learn about your relationship to language.


You will also learn about yourself as a student — what kind of learner are you?






What you will do to complete this assignment:


READ the essay by Mike Bunn called “How to Read Like a Writer.”


It is located on our READINGS Page on our OpenLab Course Site:





As you read, you will annotate, and then photograph, and post as follows:




ANNOTATE by hand in DEJ style:


 Take notes in a Double Entry Journal (DEJ) Style. This means, in your own handwriting, transcribe (copy, using quotation marks) a passage from the article that means something to you or interests you or challenges you. Do this on the left-hand side of the page. On the right-hand side of the page say why this passage or quote is of interest — explain, reflect, think. Go into detail. Do this for at least three quotes.

NOTE: I am not looking for quotes from page one, two, three….really read the article.*




TAKE A PHOTO(S) of your DEJ  and Post it/them to OpenLab under the Category “UNIT 1”


How to Submit This Assignment:

Use the title “[YOURNAME]_DEJ 1_BUNN

(so, if I did this assignment, it would be SCHMERLER_DEJ 1_BUNN)





The DEJ is due by Sunday, Sept. 6 on OpenLab. We will also be discussing it in class on Zoom. NOTE, PLEASE READ: If you are having trouble photographing and posting your DEJ, just bring your DEJ to class and be prepared to either hold it up to the camera or discuss it with us, and you can have until Monday to post it.




*Time management note: to really read this article well enough to discuss it in class on Thursday, and annotate it, you will probably need about 1 and ½ hours.