Change can be a difficult thing. Change can happen in life, nature, physically and mentally. Change can happen an instant, but all cant accept it. It matters the way we see and handle the change in us. We are starting a different lifestyle by fully virtual classes, is hard but we will find a way adjusting between life and virtual classes. Changes in human’s life can create a big impact in their future with huge significant change. We as a human change every frequently, but at a certain times we all get scared and can’t even accept the changes that’s happing. We are changing everyday, but us human barely see it until any significant thing happen. Many times changes can be very stressful and hard to adjust with it and it can effect us mentally and physically, which can be bad and great at the same time.

Change can happen in the place we live. If we peek nearby us changing happing every single minute, I mean even the beautiful sky changes it’s hue when the sun sets and rises, even the tree changes its leaves during a few weeks in the autumn with different shades, like red, green, purple, pink and etc. Futuristic devices has a big impact in changing life. It made us fast, healthier and live better lives by inventing many gadgets. It made us human believe in dreams and achieve them which was never practicable back in the days. That’s why I believe tech has created a big part in changes us human lifestyle.

I still remember the day, place and time when I crashed my sister’s first car. It was a huge accident and the car was fully smashed. It created a significant change in my life, which I will never let it slip. Had many grateful ride with that car, it was my first ride and I still miss her. But cause that accident here what I am at this minute, it taught me a great experience which entirely changed my whole life. It made me realize that we care after we miss it. I made myself diligent until buying a new car which I did. Life is a challenge but is us deciding, Because we will have peaks and valleys, stress, struggle, anxiety but let’s fight. We can achieve success.