Hi Class, I made a mistake and wrote a blog post intended for my other class to you. I quickly saw it and deleted it. Forgive any confusion in your email Inbox and do follow the instructions as given on this site. Thanks!
Reading, Questioning, Re-Telling -- on the path to Truth
Hi Class, we have a funny holiday schedule next week. I see you on Tues and Thursday. You will find three assignments in this week’s folder (WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENT FOLDER), but you only need to do one of them — the KWL+ Assignment — in time for Tuesday Oct 17.
The other two we will start to discuss in class together and they will be due Thursday.
Over the long week-end please:
keep brainstorming your “skills/interests/what you are passionate about” list.
And PLEASE read through the UNIT 2 Capstone Assignments and be prepared to ask me questions about it on Tuesday.
You can find all the capstone assignments under OUTLINE OF UNITS AND ASSIGNMENTS on this website.
Hi Class, the “Inner/Outer Dialogue” assignment we discussed in class is written out and is in your WEEK 5 Assignment Folder. Here is a direct link. We will read what you’ve got in class and discuss formatting for future submission.
UNIT 2 starts this week. Stay safe this week-end.
(closeups from the work of Martin Wilner)
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