Summer is over. Hard to believe!

We meet in person, but right now, you have a chance to familiarize yourself with a slew of things that pertain to our course: ENG 1101.

So, as promised: This is our OpenLab site. Take some time to look around it. Click on the drop-down menu items, make your way around. Our site is still partially under construction, but there is a lot here to take in. You can find our syllabus, our materials lists, the repository of readings for this course, and a lot of helpful links to services.

If you think of some way that we can improve this site — as it will serve as a point of contact and communication for the class, as well as a repository for your assignments — please let us know.

I look forward to seeing you all on the first day of class in Namm 517.

“Flammarion” — a wood engraving by an unknown artist, created approx 1888.