Jovon cheddar                                                                                  3/12/2021




The topic that I choose is computers, how advanced will they become in the future.


  1. Computers are a great tool that people use for almost everything. When I see a computer it fascinates me because it’s like seeing a new world and the reason I say this is because you can do almost anything in the digital world there are restrictions with people who know how to use it on expert level.


2.I want to know about computers  like the freedom to look around in the digital world and know more about coding and getting more practice to learn more in depth with it. I want to know how to navigate the internets  


3.I learned that Doug Engelhard invented the first computer mouse in around 1964 which was made of wood the first electronic computer eniac weighed more than 27 tons and took up 1800 square feet. Typewriter is the longest word that can be written using the letters only on one row of the keyboard of your computer.


Will computers overtake humanity and will computers surpass humans in everything.