Jose Rodriguez

Prof. Sarah Schmerler

ENG 1101 OL40

“How to Read Like A Writer” By Mike Bunn

Quotes Reflections
“It’s important to read with a pen or highlighter in your hand so that you can mark—right on the text—all those spots where you identify an interesting choice the author has made or a writerly technique you might want to use”.

Pag 12

I totally agree and identify with this, I am the kind of person that I consider myself old school, meaning I need to have the actual paper in my hand while I am reading something, and then I can highlight the most important parts of the reading that will help me for a better understanding.
“One of the things that several students mentioned to do first, before you even start reading, is to consider the context surrounding both the assignment and the text you’re reading”.

Pag 7

It is always better for students to first understand to contexts of the text and the assignment before you start reading. This will make it easy to learn and understand what you have to do.
Author David Jauss makes a similar comparison when he writes that “reading won’t help you much unless you learn to read like a writer. You must look at a book the way a carpenter looks at a house someone else built, examining the details in order to see how it was made”

Pag 5

This is something that happens to me often, I personally don’t love reading that much, and I noticed when I go just over the text very quick it becomes hard for me to understand the author, whereas when I read in detail, it makes it easier to fully understand and memorize the context.
“Most of the time we read for information. We read a recipe to learn how to bake lasagna. We read the sports page to see if our school won the game, Facebook to see who has commented on our status update, a history book to learn about the Vietnam War, and the syllabus to see when the next writing assignment is due”.

Pag 5

Most of the time we think that just because we are on our phones 24/7 we can consider ourself like readers, checking on social media does not make you reader, that is just a simple and easy way to stay connected and updated with the world, which means, this is just reading for gossip, we are not reading actual important information.