Jovon Cheddar                             2/11/21


Quote 1


I  think a lot when I read of course, depending on the type of text I am reading. If  reading philosophy I always  look for signaling words  indicating the direction of the argument.



This always happens when I find something to read and it makes me think a lot when I’m reading. However, what the writer is trying to tell you is that when reading it will cause you to think a lot when in any philosophy and find signaling as well. By focusing on what the writer is trying to tell everyone is that you would think a lot when you are reading anything.


Quote 2


Remember  for most  this is a new way of reading and you well to train you to do it  well . Also keep in mind that you’re reading to understand how the text was written— how the house was built—more than you’re trying to determine the meaning of the things you read or assess whether the texts are good or bad.




This is ture since sometimes you have to learn a new way to read to make it sound interesting and learn what the text is trying to tell because sometimes there would be hidden messages in the text. What I think the writer is trying to tell is to make you know how to read in a different way.


Quote 3 


The most common suggestion made by former students—mentioned by every single one of them—was to mark up the text, make comments in the margins, and write yourself notes and summaries both during and after reading.




What the quote means is that you should have alway made sure that  you should  have comments on the text so you look back on your notes to make sure that it would help you in whatever you are doing.  What the writer is trying to tell you should  always make notes to look back help you.