ENGLISH 1101 OL40 with Prof. S.

Introducing Yourself


Hello, my name is Temia Collymore Sandiford, and I am a freshman.  Here, I am majoring in Hospitality Management. Why am I feeling positive? I had a rough first semester and I refuse to give up. I am confident that I will apply my strengths and do better this time. I am not a quitter. My only option is to be positive and think forward. The thought of attending school online was cool to me because I’d be in my comfort zone, but I realized that I’m a better in-person learner.  Sometimes there’s connectivity issues or its hard to navigate through new softwares. Waking up and not having to travel is fine, but the thought of not being in a classroom for my first year of college is sad. However, with the support that City Tech provides, my stress is at ease.

I chose this picture because I’ve came this far. If I didn’t graduate high school, I wouldn’t be here in my first year of college. I worked extremely hard to maintain my good grades when switching to remote learning. It was such a big difference and it happened so quickly. Despite the pandemic, I believe that graduating was one of my biggest accomplishments.


  1. Amneris Cruz

    Hi Temia, nice to meet you! I also had a rough first semester starting college. My grades weren’t so good but that just motivated me to work harder. I hope this semester goes well for you! I love your graduation picture, you look very pretty! 🙂

    • Temia Collymore Sandiford

      Hey Amneris, same to you as well! I am really looking forward to a successful semester. Cheers to us for staying motivated! Thank you so much, it is one of my favorite photos from the bunch.

  2. Sarah Miah

    I love your positive attitude Temia! I’m glad you’re doing well and I hope you continue to prosper.

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