UPDATED April 12, 2016
ENG 1121, E110 Spring 2016
Professor Sean Scanlan (NYCCT)
Please bring this schedule to each class as assignments and due dates may change.
Week 1: Introduction
Feb 2, t Discussion of course, syllabus, and texts; Introductions; Homework for Thurs: Print and Read Scibona (and Course Policy and Weekly Schedule)
Feb 4, r Orientation–OpenLab; freewriting; HW for Feb 11: Read/print Keller, Thiong’O, and Malcolm X; then write Journal 1.
Week 2: Styles
Feb 9, t No Class (classes follow a Friday schedule)
Feb 11, r Due: Journal 1. Freewrite; Essay 1 explained. Discuss readings; HW for Feb 16: read Franklin and Lederer and write Journal 2: 250 words (typed) on favorite essay so far
Week 3: Essays
Feb 16, t Due: Journal 2. Freewrite. Discuss rhetoric and essay format. HW for Wed: Read essays by Emerson and Krug; prep for Quiz 1 over readings
Feb 18, r Due: Quiz 1–in class, over readings. Freewrite. Discuss revision and editing (quotations). HW: Draft of Essay 1 due Feb 23 and read Adams, and Quindlen
Week 4: Essays
Feb 23, t Freewrite and discussion over essay 1; HW: write a draft of Essay 1
Feb 25, r Due: Draft of Essay 1.
Week 5: Poetry
Mar 1, t Due: Final Draft of Essay 1. Introduction to poetry; HW: TBA
Mar 3, r Poetry terms and examples; Write Journal 3
Week 6: Poetry
Mar 8, t Journal 3 Due; HW: Study for Quiz 2 over poetry terms
Mar 10, r Quiz 2;
Week 7: Writing about Poetry
Mar 15, t Freewrite; HW: Journal 4
Mar 17, r Due: Journal 4
Week 8: Writing about Poetry
Mar 22, t TBA
Mar 24, r TBA; HW: write draft of Essay 2
Week 9: Writing about Poetry
Mar 29, t Due: Draft of Essay 2; HW: revise and edit Essay 2
Mar 31, r Final Draft of Essay 2 due; Begin reading Brown Girl, Brownstones
Week 10: The Novel
April 5, t What is the novel and how to write about it. HW: Read Brown Girl, Brownstones and Journal 5
April 7, r Due: Journal 5 and pages in BGBS TBA
Week 11: Writing about Novels
Apr 12, t Read to page 113; Homework: Read to page 147 (beginning of ch. 7 in Book 3) and then write Journal 5: 250 words on the themes of either music, touch, war, or homesickness (typed)
Apr 14, r Due: J #5. Discuss BGBS. Homework: read to 264 (beginning of ch. 8 in book 4)
Week 12:Writing about Novels
Apr 19, t Discuss themes and questions. Homework: finish the novel for Thursday! and prepare for a pop quiz.
Apr 21, r Discuss the ending of BGBS and take pop quiz
Week 13: Spring Break
Apr 26, t Spring break
Apr 28, r Spring break
Week 14: Writing about Novels
May 3, t Discuss Essay 3 Details. Homework: read the interview and Write Journal 6: 250 word summary of the interview
May 5, r Due: J#6. Discuss the interview; Read Trudier Harris’s essay “No Outlet for the Blues” and prepare for Quiz 3
Week 15: Writing about Novels
May 10, t Quiz 3
May 12, r Peer review of Essay 3
Week 16: Final Exam
May 17, t Due: Essay 3. Exam prep
May 19, r Final Exam
Week 17: Finale
May 24, t Last class of the semester