Homework for Thursday, March 31

Hi Class,

Thanks for all the questions today.

Make sure to follow the assignment details as you finish this essay. Make sure to revise and proofread with care and diligence.

Please arrive on time on Thursday with your printed essay, the peer review sheet, and your drafts. In a folder would be great, but at least staple everything together.

ALSO: Bring your copy of Paule Marshall’s Brown Girl, Brownstones to class on Thursday!

Email any questions.–Prof. Scanlan

Bonus: students often ask me about rhetoric and argument. Back in the day, rhetoric was a subject that every student studied for many semesters. Now, it seems a nearly forgotten art. But here’s my recommendation: Get at least one book on rhetoric/argument.

One of my favs: Everything’s an Argument by Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. There are many editions of this book. I’ll bet you can find a used copy for $1.

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