Homework for Tuesday, March 29

Hi Class,

Please come prepared for our peer review of Essay 2. Make sure to bring your typed draft and two images with you (printed, on OpenLab, or on your phone).

Bring your questions, too.

We will work on conclusions and proofreading.


Prof. Scanlan

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Homework for Thursday, March 24

Hi Class,

Here’s the introduction I had on the board:

The Expression of Human Joy in Photography

John Berger says that photographs are not about form, but about time, and that a “photograph bears witness to a human choice being exercised” (293). In this essay I want to focus on how two photographs that portray human bodies are most certainly about time and decisions, but also about form. The first photo is titled….

For Thursday:

  1. Read Teju Cole’s “On Photography: Perfect and Unrehearsed” article on our Links page.
  2. Select your favorite quote from all of our photography readings.
  3. Write the first page of Essay 2.  Try to include a brief quote in the first sentence!
  4. Bring in a photocopy of your two photos (or post them to OpenLab) and a typed copy of the entire first page (include the quote, your thesis, method, etc.)


Prof. Scanlan

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A beautiful winter afternoon in stanford

IMG_0116I took this picture on March 7, 2016 in Connecticut, Stanford. I was standing 150ft away from a small intersection,facing Southeast. It was around 6pm winter and it was getting a little darker.  As I was walking toward the intersection, I saw that beautiful white colored house on the left and I liked it location because the of way the structure of the house is set.

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Shibuya Streets

I took this photo in Tokyo, Japan in Spring 2015. I chose this photo because I like how the composition of the photo is even. The cars are aligned on each side and there's a taxi centered in the middle of the street. The light reflects off of the trees and cars, so you can see the shadows of the outside surroundings. I did not use any filter because it was very  sunny out. I was walking with 2 of my friends outside our hotel when we passed by this nice block. The Sunligt plays a big role in shining light on things in the picture. The car slowly drives away, into the shadow. Overall, I like the photo because it's a even shot of a block in Japan.

I took this photo in Tokyo, Japan in Spring 2015. I chose this photo because I like how the composition of the photo is even. The cars are aligned on each side and there’s a taxi centered in the middle of the street. The light reflects off of the trees and cars, so you can see the shadows of the outside surroundings. I did not use any filter because it was very sunny out. I was walking with 2 of my friends outside our hotel when we passed by this nice block. The Sunligt plays a big role in shining light on things in the picture. The car slowly drives away, into the shadow. Overall, I like the photo because it’s a even shot of a block in Japan.

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School in the sun


This is another sky photo I took of a school. The actual original photo was completely blurred out by the suns rays but I edited it so the school is more clear in the photo. I thought the colors and saturation of the photo make it look very vibrant and pretty, and I love how you can see the ring of the suns rays cutting through the photo on the bottom left. The actual building is also a very nice brick-red color, and it works well with the red stop sign in the bottom right.

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Right Track; Wrong Train..

Swerving on Beverly

Swerving: Introspection on Beverley Rd

Sunday afternoon I waited for the train to pick up my son. I have a thing for train stations. Great music in your ears on the platform desolated, sets the perfect tone and emanation to think about things your push aside time to time. The things you refuse to face forward immediately. The things we put on hold or the questions we know the answers to but don’t want to accept. This view gave me that feeling. From my point on the platform I was below a tunnel like bridge. So from my angle it is shaded. More light becomes visible with the curve of the tracks. I like how the tracks curve and then cuts off at a point not visible to your eyes. It leaves the feeling of curiosity and caution at the same time.  I admire the dominance in the different tones and tinges. They aren’t too bright but bears an urban and puzzling feeling. On this particular day, being on that platform placed me in deep thought. We spend so much time worrying if we’re on the right track, only to find out we’re on the wrong train.


~Heidi B.

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Sunday morning in Ozone Park by Tashé Wagner

Tashes picture       “Sunday morning in Ozone Park” is a picture of my sister’s favorite plant in my living room. It was taken on March 4th at approximately 11:40am. I took the picture against the light coming through the window because of the contrast between the sunlight and the absence of light in the plant. At first glance it looks as though it is a black and white photograph, but it isn’t. Thats what makes it cool to me.

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300 Jay street, sunday, March 6th, 2:50pm

300 Jay street, sunday, March 6th, 2:50pm

This picture was taken on Sunday, March 6th, at 2:50pm. Spending a lot of my time at either work or school this picture says a lot of how it truly makes me feel. The calmness of this photo and the clarty it brings me puts me at a loss for words. As a child I came downtown a lot, walking past this school and seeing the amount of people attending always made me wonder what life was like outside of private school. As years went by it was one of my goals to attend this school, so being here is one of my accomplmemts. Walking out of this building after class is a sense of relief, knowing that I’m one step closer to my dreams. Looking up the block the street extends upwards, opening into another cross street you see the bus going in that direction. Many people walking in the same direction shows movement and assimilation amongst different people. To me this picture is just refreshing and calm.

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Lake Cayuga

The Sunset Hours Away

The Sunset Hours Away, 2016 by Nicholas W.

In my photo, Lake Cayuga which is located just across from my girlfriends’ dorm, the sun is setting at roughly 6:02 pm. In The Photo the light from the sun is reflecting on the lake, leaving the view with a warm and inviting aura. Then the light from the rocks, trees, and horizon all narrow your vision to focus upon the sunset. You can see how the clouds reflect onto the lake as well creating distorted images.

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Leaning Library


Modern Library or Ancient Castle?

Saturday, March 5 I was heading to the library on West 10th Street in Manhattan to study when I notice the towering part of the building architecture resembles an ancient castle. Before I went inside, I took a picture of the tower at an angle to show a unique setting toward the castle like structure.

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