Homework for Thursday, March 24

Hi Class,

Here’s the introduction I had on the board:

The Expression of Human Joy in Photography

John Berger says that photographs are not about form, but about time, and that a “photograph bears witness to a human choice being exercised” (293). In this essay I want to focus on how two photographs that portray human bodies are most certainly about time and decisions, but also about form. The first photo is titled….

For Thursday:

  1. Read Teju Cole’s “On Photography: Perfect and Unrehearsed” article on our Links page.
  2. Select your favorite quote from all of our photography readings.
  3. Write the first page of Essay 2.  Try to include a brief quote in the first sentence!
  4. Bring in a photocopy of your two photos (or post them to OpenLab) and a typed copy of the entire first page (include the quote, your thesis, method, etc.)


Prof. Scanlan

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