Right Track; Wrong Train..

Swerving on Beverly

Swerving: Introspection on Beverley Rd

Sunday afternoon I waited for the train to pick up my son. I have a thing for train stations. Great music in your ears on the platform desolated, sets the perfect tone and emanation to think about things your push aside time to time. The things you refuse to face forward immediately. The things we put on hold or the questions we know the answers to but don’t want to accept. This view gave me that feeling. From my point on the platform I was below a tunnel like bridge. So from my angle it is shaded. More light becomes visible with the curve of the tracks. I like how the tracks curve and then cuts off at a point not visible to your eyes. It leaves the feeling of curiosity and caution at the same time.  I admire the dominance in the different tones and tinges. They aren’t too bright but bears an urban and puzzling feeling. On this particular day, being on that platform placed me in deep thought. We spend so much time worrying if we’re on the right track, only to find out we’re on the wrong train.


~Heidi B.

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