Brooklyn Bridge-Lover’s Padlocks, 2016, Jasmine Torres


20160304_195049Living in New York we can easily justify our city’s classification as the “melting pot” of societies.  Our diversity has not only provided the presence of multiple cultures but also the knowledge and traditions that come with practicing each. The tradition of securing a symbol of love in public, or to a bridge and tossing the keys into the river below, date back to earlier years in Europe. The photograph contains left behind padlocks from couples in or visiting New York. The sun is out reflecting off the East River and metallic locks. I was walking with my friend, Meagan, and saw an older couple reading the dates inscribed on each representation of one’s commitment and I began to grow curious. What I find special about the picture is the view of the city buildings, although New York is so fast paced I appreciated seeing people take the time to do something so sincere, displaying an emotion that can subject one to vulnerability. And because this tradition originated in Europe it was nice to see signs of our cities cultural integration. I used a filter on this shot to avoid viewers from being drawn to any bright colors and to create a uniform affect.

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