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Hi class,

I feel good about delaying the final draft of Essay 1, and I hope that you all do too.


So, please work as hard as you can to revise, edit, and proofread your essay for a SECOND draft peer review on Thursday. And bring in your questions.

Here are two samples of Thesis statements:

Example 1: While I agree with Asimov that test taking and test making are both important for considering varying types of intelligence, I disagree with his treatment of the auto mechanic. In my essay I want to explore his ideas of hand work and language work in order to claim that one’s intellectual home could be either under the hood of language or under the hood of a car.

Example 2: I share two characteristics with Asimov. We both have verbal talents and we both love to avoid working with our hands (especially on cars). One major difference is that while he excels at taking tests, I do not. Another major difference is that while Asimov couldn’t see a joke if it hit him between the eyes, I have the ability to sense jokes and humor from around the corner. Clearly, our intellectual homes are on the same street, but they are made from different materials.


Lastly, student might think about using an idea on home from the post below this one.


Prof. Scanlan

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