Author Archives: Professor Sean Scanlan

Last Day and Lists

Hi Class, I hope everybody has a great holiday break! Here are a couple of lists for when you think “hmmm, I want to read something good, but I don’t know what to chose.” The standard “best of” list: … Continue reading

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Another Student Sample

Hi all, Here’s another student sample that begins with a fine introduction. That said, the thesis could be stronger. fall-2015-Student Sample nyc Research Essay

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How to Conduct an Interview (in-person or email)

For Monday, Bring in an updated draft of your Annotated Bibliography with at least seven annotations/citations. And also, bring in at least the first page of your essay. More pages if you have them.   THE INTERVIEW: For Essay 3, … Continue reading

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Techno Trash Information for Recycling

Five Steps to Turn in Techno Trash Essay/Extra Credit: At least 500 words __ I have spell-checked my essay __ I have grammar/style checked my essay __ I have proofread my essay before posting __ I have asked a friend/classmate … Continue reading

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Extra Credit Assignment on E-Waste

Hi class, My colleagues in Chicago, Montreal, and Toronto have a project that involves some critical thinking and writing, and so I thought that we might have some discussions about the problem of E-Waste. If you submit a story to … Continue reading

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Akeem’s Journal 4

Akeem Louigarde Journal 4 English 1101 (Prof Scanlan) October 4, 2015 The Six Photos In the book call “The place where we Dwell” There are 6 photos that were taken during the 1900s. The six photos that were taken during … Continue reading

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Sean’s Photo


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Taking and Posting Photos

Hi Class… lot’s of information today! VIDEO CLIPS: 1. How does a digital camera work?: 2. How to develop film using coffee and vitamin C: 3. A Darkroom in Use: 4. Five tips for taking your own … Continue reading

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A Photo Contest Open to All CUNY Students

Hi all, Here is a link to a monthly photo contest open to all CUNY students: Also, here is a refresher on the homework for Wednesday: From Sontag, define a term that you didn’t know, a photographer you haven’t … Continue reading

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An Interesting Photo Essay by Teju Cole and Monday’s HW

Hi Class, I hope that you learned something on Wednesday–and I hope that it was enjoyable, too. In light of our upcoming photo essay assignment, I thought it might be interesting to read and example from one of the most … Continue reading

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