Category Archives: Uncategorized

Space Reading

Cathedral of St. John the Devine – Buttresses a flying

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Homework for Tuesday, Nov 3

Hi everybody, What a great field trip! I hope that everybody had a chance to really look closely at some of the architectural details and characteristics that define the “look” of Gothic Revival. And, additionally, I hope that you had … Continue reading

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Uncanny Architecture

Hello Everybody. Here is my picture for the Gothic Presentation. I’m not sure if we are suppose to put it somewhere.

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Two Articles on Queer Theory Are Up

I put two readings on the “Readings”menu tab. The first is by Michel Foucault from his important work: The History of Sexuality. In this intro he lays out his historical reach into the Victorian past and his three doubts. The Second … Continue reading

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Field Trip in the Works and Daily Goth

Hi Class, I put in paperwork for a field trip to St. Ann’s and the Holy Trinity Church on Montague Street for next Thursday. I could not make the Gravesend Haunted Hotel work for us. But you could go on … Continue reading

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A Haunted House at City Tech?

Well, it seems that we need to talk about this:

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Homework for Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hi Class, Fun discussion of Todorov’s terms and how they might play out in Jackson’s Thriller. The only homework for Thursday is to read Poe’s story: “The Fall of the House of Usher”–bring Groom to class though as I want to … Continue reading

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Comment on Thriller

Is Jackson’s film fantastic or uncanny?  

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An Interesting Animated Interpretation of “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Hi all, Cahit sent me a link to a really superb interpretation of “The Yellow Wallpaper.” Thanks Cahit.

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Homesickness Handout

Hi Class, I’ve posted a handout on homesickness under the “Readings” menu tab. Best, Prof. Scanlan

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