Hi Class,


Thesis Examples for Essay 1

  • While X, I think Y. [this type of sentence sets up an argument between two ideas, X and Y]


  • While Steve Brody uses humor to explore his intellectual home that centers on reading encyclopedias, I use science and jazz music to explore my intellectual home that centers on reading Wikipedia. [good example]


  • While Steve Brody’s intellectual home is the process of reading, my intellectual home is my bedroom. [what is wrong with this example?]


  • While Steve Brody writes about education using humor and his own mistakes, I will write about education using humor and my own mistakes. [what is wrong with this example?]


  • While Steve Brody explores the role of process and people in his article, I will explore place in my essay on intellectual homes. [what is wrong with this example?]


How to Sign up, Join, and post a photo:

STEP 1: Here is a link to help you set up an account on Openlab.


STEP 2: Here is a link that will help you join my class.


The shortcut to step 2  is that you should click on the menu tab labeled “Course Profile” on this website, then go to the right side and click join now.

STEP 3: Posting a photo.


To add your description, just type inside the box underneath the image that you have posted. Be sure to click the blue “Update” button on the right side of the page.

If you have any questions, please email me. As a last resort, I can post your photo and description if you email it to me…please keep the size of the photo under 1 megabite.


Prof. Scanlan