Sunset Beauty

The sun hidden behind the clouds over the dark silhouettes of Coney Island. The un observes all the light in the picture, leavingthe shapes of the amusement park colorless. The rides and buildings surronding reach up toward the soft blue sky. Just another peaceful day at the beach, hearing people scream with excitement and the children’s laughter.

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dumbo park

This is a picture of dumbo park, it shows a scene of a beautiful day where there trees, people relaxing, and the bridge extending towards the city in the background. I think the sky line of the city in the background as the sun begins to set, shows the picture’s frame and emphasizes the photo because it shows a more centered view of the park.

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Jet Life

This photo has a woman and man in one room and the guy is walking out with his brief case. The words “Jet life” on the side must mean he’s living a life of moving fast. The woman in bed must be his wife watching him leave the room as he live the “Jet Life”. The man must represent the husband who’s leaving to get his money for the his family.

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This image captures the beauty of a rural area, a beauty that may be further admired, for it is being shielded by the rays of the sun. As I analyzed this image from left to right, I noted the shift of dark to light that the sunlight has on this area. A light that not only brings about the color of life, but also reflecting its warmth among the waters surface. It is amazing how the rays of the sun can reveal the many hidden qualities of life. Qualities that not only I have come to admire, but as the man-made path and hidden home on the far right suggest, someone may have already called this place home.

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Check out these great photos!

Hi Class,

These photos are really awesome. Keep them coming so that the entire class can see each other’s work.—Prof. Scanlan

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Bluebells in Dereen Wood

This pictures captures a pretty perfect pictures of the sun rising and it is exactly in the middle of the picture. The trees covering the sun creates a light ray affect that makes the sun look like what children would draw. Even though the trees mean to cover the sun, the sun is bright enough to overlap the trees. I never noticed until I analyzed it, but there is a subtle lake in the background and it blends in with the color of the flowers, which was probably the cause of its subtlety. I appreciate the purple flowers that pop out around the trees. Further in the background, it seems like the grass is purple instead of green, which is kind of absurd! 

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Joining Openlab, Posting to Openlab

Hi Class,

Here is an example of a picture that I took and my description:

Manhattan-Stonehenge, 2011, Sean Scanlan

I took this picture in the early spring of 2011. The shot is of the sun as it is framed by skyscrapers on either side of E. 21st St., looking West, of course. The sun is setting and seems perfectly centered by the “cliffs” or buildings. I was walking with my friend, Tom, and on our way to play ping-pong at a place called Spin, which is a few blocks north of Union Square. What is so interesting about the picture is that the lens created the effect of all the red circles, I never saw them until after clicking the shutter. The red is overwhelming, but I can still make out the street scene. At first, I did not like the white car on the right side, but after further reflection, I liked how it adds perspective and the illusion of speed. Lastly, the lens also created the effect of a bright slash that goes through the street, straight down. I like that “sword” as it bisects the frame.


How to Sign up, Join, and post a photo:

STEP 1: Here is a link to help you set up an account on Openlab.

STEP 2: Here is a link that will help you join my class.

The shortcut to step 2  is that you should click on the menu tab labeled “Course Profile” on this website, then go to the right side and click join now.

STEP 3: Posting a photo.

To add your description, just type inside the box underneath the image that you have posted. Be sure to click the blue “Update” button on the right side of the page.

If you have any questions, please email me. As a last resort, I can post your photo and description if you email it to me…please keep the size of the photo under 1 megabite.


Prof. Scanlan



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Description: An Example

Hi Class,

Here’s a description of a store:

“It was a narrow room, with a rather high ceiling, and crowded from floor to ceiling with goodies. There were rows and rows of hams and sausages of all shapes and colors–white, yellow, red, and black; fat and lean and round and long–rows of canned preserves, cocoa and tea, bright translucent glass bottles of honey, marmalade, and jam; round bottles and slender bottles, filled with liqueurs and punch–all these things crowded every inch of the shelves from top to bottom. “

-Thomas Mann

What is the dominant impression of this scene?


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The Paragraph

Hi Class,

Let’s examine this comparison paragraph:

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Tuesday’s Draft of Essay Two

Hi Class,

For Tuesday, make sure and bring in at least two pages of Essay two–the comparison essay. Also, print out the essay details, so that we can discuss what “ingredients” go into this essay.


Prof. Scanlan

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