Hi Everyone,

My name is Sarah Paruolo and I will be your Peer Mentor this semester! I am a Nursing Major in my 3rd year here at City Tech. You can get in touch with me by posting your questions in this forum OR by emailing me directly sparuolo@citytech.cuny.edu. Remember that anything you post here can be seen by your classmates and professor, so email is best for more personal issues.

I am here to help you adjust to college life, connect you with resources at the college, give you support, share my own experiences (and what I learned from them), answer your questions, and just generally help you understand how things work here at City Tech.

In addition to answering your questions, every Monday I will be posting information for you about important deadlines, upcoming events, and other opportunities for you at City Tech.

Make sure you take a look at the First Week Checklist that I am posting here– it contains important information for your first week at City Tech. (You can ignore the part about ID cards since we aren’t on campus right now.)

I am excited to get to know everyone! Please check out my welcome video so you can get to know a little more about me!

